Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019

C ESTATES - creating a global industry standard platform for real estate transactions

Image result for PLATFORM CESTATES

C Estates Inc:

C Estates connects people around the world to transact smoothly and comfortably buy and sell real estate properties. Either to verify documents, confirm a notary, validate ownership of assets, buy or sell property or find someone to manage property, C Estates has got everything you need to do business in one place.

What are C Estates?

C Estates is a real estate company that is supported by 10 years of experience in this business. It aims to create a global industry standard platform that uses the most powerful technology that will revolutionize the way buyers, sellers and real estate property investors transact online. Anyone can use the C Estates platform for more efficient, safer and faster cross-border online transactions.

Our Mission & Vision:

To make real estate transactions easy and accessible to everyone.

Our products as a global industry standard for real estate transactions.

Platform Features:


Choose a variety of properties from different owners and contact them directly.


Announce your property for rent or receive your rental fees with XCET coins.


Show your property is ready for bid or for sale.


Provides online marketing tools for landowners to showcase their undeveloped land to attract more audiences and investors from the crypto world.


Register your property for sale on the market after offline verification and validation is complete.


Provides online marketing tools for property owners who need to offer time sharing their property in our market.


New ways to increase capital for businesses and better ways to easily access such businesses for investors. Property developers can use it to reach high value investors who want to invest in real estate.

The backbone of History C Estate is Capitarise Corporation, a real estate management consulting firm that builds their expertise in pioneering cross-border transactions. They have extensive Japanese clients and are proud to be fast, efficient, and professional in bridging foreign entrepreneurs to invest in the Philippines.

For more than 10 years, they have overseen and facilitated many local and foreign clients in acquiring real property and condominium units in the Philippines. Capitarise Corporation develops C Estates, combining real estate with technology, to streamline the efficiency of conducting real estate transactions.


C Estates uses the tokenization process, a set of computational logic that has long been used by financial institutions in monetary assets. The same logic as the advanced method added is applied by C Estates in the tokenizing property.

Data Security is our absolute priority, which is why you have certainty that all sensitive information that we have is secure, safely stored and protected on our platform. In this way, the sharing, negotiation, and ownership of general property data can be transferred quickly and efficiently, automatically calculated and resulting in the value of assets being transacted avoiding human error on public records.

Complementing the Ecosystem:

Property Developer
Government bank
Buyers & Sellers
Crypto Investors
Property Manager


C Estates uses the New Economy Movement (NEM) blockchain technology to fulfill its mission and vision in providing a better way to conduct Real Estate transactions and become industry standards in the future.

The data trace log and activity log cannot be recovered
Multi-layered security algorithm for reputation management in peer to peer networks
Strong workflow in carrying out online transactions and negotiations
Use of Smart Assets
Measured solution


For more information, click the link below:


Username: rizalkurniawan58

ETH Address: 0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A

SORAIX - Платформа обмена токенами и криптовалютами

Soraix намерена радикально изменить традиционные биржи путем токенизации бирж активов с использованием технологии блокчейн. В то же время мы стремимся изменить общественное мнение о цифровых активах в позитивном направлении, что приведет к более широкой адаптации и стабильности в отрасли. Soraix предоставит значительные преимущества традиционным инвесторам (розничным трейдерам, широкой общественности) и компаниям всех размеров. Традиционные пользователи получат выгоду от нашей модели распределения доходов первого типа, которая позволяет им обменивать свои токены SRX на токены более высокой стоимости (и, если они пожелают, немедленно продавать токены, приобретенные за фиксированную валюту, гарантируя все выгоды). в торговле). Корпоративные клиенты смогут собирать средства, выдавать токены на нашей платформе. Подробнее об этом,

Криптовалютная торговля (компьютеризированная торговля наличными) - это бизнес, который позволяет клиентам обменивать цифровые формы денег или сложные денежные формы на различные ресурсы, например, традиционные денежные средства или другие сложные денежные стандарты. Торговля цифровой валютой может быть создателем рынка, который регулярно принимает подход к распределению ставок в качестве комиссии за обмен для администрации или, как этап координации, в основном взимает комиссионные.

Производители компьютеризированных денежных стандартов часто независимы от сложной торговли деньгами, которая поощряет обмен наличными. В одном типе структуры поставщики цифровой валюты (DCP) - это организации, которые поддерживают и управляют, чтобы представлять своих клиентов, но большинство из них не делают юридических авансов клиентам. Клиент покупает или продает компьютеризированные наличные деньги с помощью расширенной торговли деньгами, которая переводит авансы на счет клиента DCP или с него. Некоторые профессии являются помощниками DCP, но многие являются законными автономными организациями. Разделение активов, хранящихся в записях DCP, может осуществляться с реальных или мнимых денег.

Обмен обычными ценными бумагами очень ограничен, работая только в рабочее время и в ближайшем часовом поясе упомянутого рынка. Дилер, имеющий важные части открытой организации, который хочет постепенно реагировать на демонстрацию возможностей, должен выжить до тех пор, пока рынок не откроется, и в этот момент возможность получения прибыли за счет указанной возможности может пройти

Soraix полон решимости кардинально изменить традиционную торговлю акциями, обмениваясь выгодными сделками посредством инноваций блокчейн При этом мы надеемся положительно повлиять на открытое представление о компьютеризированных ресурсах, что приведет к более широким корректировкам и зависимости в бизнесе. Soraix предоставит огромные преимущества традиционным спекулянтам, таким как розничные трейдеры, население в целом и все компании.

Традиционные клиенты получат выгоду от нашей первой модели распределения доходов, которая дает им возможность обменивать токены SRX на токены акций с более высокой оценкой и, при желании, быстро продавать токены эквити, приобретенные по указанным денежным стандартам, проверяя все добавления на бирже. Корпоративные клиенты смогут увеличить активы, выпустив жетоны акций на нашей сцене.

Soraix предоставит нашим клиентам исключительные возможности принять участие в нашей выручке. Владельцы Soraix Token смогут обменивать свои токены SRX, используя эталон 1: 1 против токенов справедливости, выпущенных на нашей сцене организациями по сбору капитала, с небольшим вниманием к оценкам двух токенов. Эта модель даст обычным клиентам видную модель для участия в нашем доходе. Корпоративные клиенты смогут выпускать свои собственные жетоны акций на нашей сцене, предоставляя им возможность привлекать капитал с небольшими затратами, связанными с IPO.

Особенности Soraix:

Для трейдеров

Розничным трейдерам будут предложены различные базовые и сложные инструменты и основные моменты, включая нормальную модель распределения доходов.

Для инвесторов

Soraix предоставит возможность спекулянтам защищать компьютеризированные части организации как токены и обменивать их на

Техническая информация:

Token SRX

SRX-токены можно использовать для покупки токенов Equity со значением 1: 1 - позволяет трейдерам обменивать токены с более низкими значениями, которые имеют смысл для одного из более высоких значений.

Жетон Акции

Токен акций можно рассматривать как цифровую версию акций компании-эмитента, где каждый токен акции помещается в одну акцию компании-эмитента.

Начальный Инвестор Бонус

Первоначальный бонус инвестора - Приобретая токены SRX в течение первых двух недель нашего ICO, мы сопоставим вашу покупку с дополнительными 10% стоимости токена SRX без дополнительных затрат для вас. Бонус составит 5% для инвесторов, которые покупают наши токены в течение недель 3 и 4.

Наша миссия:

Наша миссия - радикально изменить традиционный фондовый рынок путем токенизации обмена активами с помощью технологии блокчейн. Таким образом, мы полны решимости изменить общественное мнение о цифровых активах в позитивном направлении, что приведет к более широкой адаптации и стабильности в отрасли.

Торговля акциями с помощью Blockchain

Специальный блокчейн ETO станет новым способом торговли акциями с непревзойденной безопасностью, производительностью и экономической эффективностью для наших инвесторов

Жетон Акции

Кроме того, токен справедливости можно рассматривать как цифровую модель акций организации-эмитента, в которой каждый токен справедливости интегрирован в одну акцию компании-эмитента.

Для обеспечения безопасности и непосредственности наших клиентов, которые запрашивают, штаб-квартира Soraix будет находиться в Швейцарии. Швейцария в настоящее время имеет поддержку среди самых сложных и поддерживаемых советов по гарантии клиентов на планете. Нет ничего более широкого в месте передачи, кроме передачи с людьми, которым вы доверяете.

Дорожная карта:

1 квартал 2019 года
Анализ рынка. Начальная концепция.

Q2, 2019
Формирование компании. Соберите основную команду.

3 квартал 2019 года
ICO размещение.

4 квартал 2019 года
Запущена MVP-версия платформы Soraix.

1 квартал 2020 года
Развертывание публичного API.

2 квартал 2020 г.
Запуск социальной коммерции и мобильных приложений.

3 квартал 2020 г.
Специальная реализация блокчейна ETO.

Токен распределения:

Маркер продаж

Баунти и Эйрдроп





Цена - 0,00025 ETH

Общий объем поставок - 1 000 000 000

Группа General Sales - 60% (600 000 000 SRX)

Мягкая шапка - 4 500 000 долларов США

Hard Cap - 24 000 000 долларов США

Основатель команды:

Лукас Комарницки - генеральный директор

Пшемек Плазинский - финансовый директор

Патрик Кубицки - технический директор

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже:

Сайт sitio:


ETH Address:0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A

Senin, 26 Agustus 2019

Zoomex - creates a comfortable platform

ZooomEx - the new cryptocurrency Flying! Exchange with the lowest trading commission on the market! This lever makes trading available to everyone! Zooomex does not try to produce products from customers, it also creates a convenient platform where it will be convenient to trade with everyone! Until September, the trade commission is 0%! In addition, it will grow so low that you won’t even notice it! Those who first took this step! You will not find anything like it in the market!

Crypto Exchange ZooomEx supports other users! All participants ZXE team - active coaches and know that they use, pros and times past, and they have settled with the crystals, and Zooomex up for you. It is suitable as usual and used for marketers, as the small user and the company. Zooomex began to examine industry kryptalyutamav.

Crypto Exchange ZooomEx supports other users! All users ZXE actively train and use everything that you need and advantages, and past times of crypto-exchange, and Zooomex created for you. Here you need to be suitable for ordinary and necessary traders as members, have the capital, and organization. Zooomex began to examine industry kryptalyutamav.

 from June 24 to July 1, 2019 took place the primary sale of tokens ZXE. It is good that we wanted to see, and then tried to create interesting designs. Discounts purchases ZXE remained soft, and in this case, the remaining 50%! For large buyers were individual tiles on the sheet listed lower.

Due to the recent open kryptabitstvam ZooomEx, we tried to edit such'm going to work! Fully - is 0% for the operation! Programmable possible project in September 2019, and we have developed a crisis project, we tried to find a stone with the use! Only papavali balances, you can immediately start trading ZooomEx Exchange.

Information about the sale of tokens:

Name token: ZooomEx
Symbol: ZXE
Type: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum
Personal selling: June 24, 2019 - July 1, 2019.
Prizes: June 27, 2019 - August 12, 2019.
IEO: 5:00 2019 - 12:00 2019 album ever stayed very welcome.

The distribution of tokens:

The distribution of tokens:

The distribution of women within the 10 million million million million million tokens ZXE will be the size of the previous sale, and at a time when only the original company, planned to choose the $ 40 million dollars, 50 million dollars of the funds, $ 20 million dollars, dedicated program $ 10 million dollars dollars dollars stock of $ 20 million, which plan to select.

Distribution of things:


ZoooMex TEAM:

For more detailed information, please visit the website below:



ETH Address:0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019



Membantu usaha kecil untuk mencapai potensi mereka dengan memanfaatkan data. Hadapi pasar nyata. Tokoin menyediakan platform untuk membangun kemitraan yang berharga yang akan membawa Anda ke dalam ekosistem yang menarik yang terdiri dari profil bisnis tertagih yang menguntungkan untuk ekspansi bisnis.


Membangun Identitas Digital untuk UMKM yang mewakili reputasi yang valid
Mengakomodasi UMKM untuk menggunakan data mereka untuk menciptakan lebih banyak peluang pendanaan.
Memberikan peluang pertumbuhan bagi UMKM dengan membawa kemitraan bisnis.


Kami bertujuan untuk membangun penilaian kredit bisnis yang sesuai dengan standar untuk menerapkan pinjaman bisnis.

Toko menunjuk hadiah dan menggunakannya untuk mengklaim diskon untuk setiap transaksi
Langsung mengutip ke merek untuk membeli massal dengan harga terendah
Catat aktivitas pembelian dan dapatkan reputasi sebagai salah satu faktor bisnis yang berkembang
Setiap transaksi yang terjadi di platform Tokoin akan disimpan sebagai catatan kredibilitas untuk digunakan sebagai hipotek dalam waktu dekat.
Hindari kemungkinan penipuan atau risiko kerusakan karena melakukan transaksi dengan perantara yang tidak dikenal
Toko menunjuk hadiah dan menggunakannya untuk mengklaim diskon untuk setiap transaksi

  • Pembeli
Aliran token TOKO dimulai berdasarkan pada nilai yang dapat dipercaya dari data
Informasi input pengecer: profil dasar dan permintaan nilai produk
  • Penjual
Data Reseller akan dinilai untuk menebus diskon yang sesuai
Produsen mendapat manfaat dengan aksi mempertaruhkan token


Ini adalah pengguna yang terlibat dalam aktivitas bisnis Tokoin. UMKM sebagai penyedia data, kirimkan aktivitas data transaksi mereka melalui Tokoin dApp. Proses Tokoin dan memvalidasi data menjadi aset berharga. Mitra dapat memperoleh data dengan mempertaruhkan toko TOKO.

  • Nama Token: TOKO
  • Jenis Token ICO: ERC-20
  • Total Pasokan Token: TOKO
  • Penjualan Token: 700.000.000 TOKO (Pasokan Token 35%)
  • Hard Cap: '$ 25.000.000
  • Soft Cap: $ 8.000.000
  • Kontributor ICO - 35%
  • Dana Industri - 40%
  • Treasury - 10%
  • Kontributor Tim & Awal - 10%
  • Penasihat - 5%
  • Pengembangan Produk - 50%
  • Pemasaran & BD - 35%
  • Operasi - 10%
  • Cadangan - 5%
  • 2018 Q3
Mulai Proyek TOKOIN
  • 2018 Q4
Token TOKOIN Penjualan Pribadi dan Pra-Penjualan
TOKOIN Pengembangan & distribusi dompet
  • 2019 Q1
Grand Launching TOKOIN
Token Token yang dijual orang banyak
  • 2019 Q2
Penasihat Blockchain Onboard untuk ekosistem TOKOIN
Peluncuran POC di TestNet
  • 2019 Q3
Onboard Warehousing bermitra dengan ekosistem TOKOIN
Mitra Keuangan Onboard ke ekosistem TOKOIN
Perluas operasi lokal ke 10 kota tingkat 1 di Indonesia
  • 2019 Q4
Luncurkan mesin Reputasi Data
Luncurkan platform Visualisasi Data
Luncurkan platform Partner Suite
Onboard, 50.000 pengguna di ekosistem TOKOIN
  • 2020 Q1
Luncurkan dApps di MainNet
Luncurkan Sistem POS TOKOIN
Luncurkan platform Data Exchange untuk program token stacking dan loyalty
Perluas operasi lokal ke semua ibu kota di Indonesia
Onboard, 10.000 pengguna pada sistem POS TOKOIN
  • 2020 Q2
Luncurkan Sistem POS TOKOIN
Perluas operasi percontohan hiper-lokal ke Thailand
Onboard 1000 pengguna ke ekosistem TOKOIN di pasar hiper-lokal regional
Kembangkan Solusi AI untuk TOKOIN untuk meningkatkan skala Operasi
  • 2020 Q3
Perluas operasi hiper-lokal ke Vietnam dan Filipina
Onboard, 500.000 pengguna ke TOKOIN Ecosystem di pasar Indonesia
Perluas operasi lokal ke 10 kota tingkat teratas di Indonesia
Onboard, 50.000 pengguna di ekosistem TOKOIN
  • 2020 Q4
Menyebarkan AI sebagai bagian dari Kemampuan Intelejen Bisnis
Memperkenalkan platform Prakiraan & Prediksi ke dalam ekosistem TOKOIN

  • Reiner Rahardja: Co-Founder & CEO
  • Welly Salim: CTO
  • Eddy Christian Ng: COO
  • Niko Tanadi: Project Manager
  • Adi Darda Gaudiamo: Head of Creative
  • Ignasius Michael: Generalist Manager
  • Oktafia Putri: Community Manager
  • Mutia Anisa: Graphic Designer
  • Syifa Mutiara Putri: Event Coordinator

  • Tiago Alves
  • Dahlan Iskan
  • Engeline Tjia
Untuk informasi yang lebih akurat , silahkan kunjungi situs resmi di bawah ini:

Tycoon - Platform for Social Commerce

Image result for bounty TYCOON

About Tycoon:

Tycoon - the first social trading platform developed by Professional Traders. If you're reading this, you've probably searched for a social trading platform that focuses on crypto. And you probably tried some solutions that did not satisfy you. That's where Tycoon comes from.

As professional traders, the founders of this project evaluated all available social trading platforms for personal use, but could not find a solution that was developed with respect to traders. Most of the existing solutions do not meet the requirements of professional traders. As a result, there is a weak acceptance and limited use for retailers. Our goal is to completely change this game.


If you have less than 2 years experience in this market and are unfamiliar with analyzing historical price movements, market dynamics, macro trend analysis, and risk management (to name but a few), chances are you will not succeed immediately. Benefit from trading this market. The more likely scenario is that you will suffer a loss after trading in the first year, even though you spend a large part of your day understanding market dynamics and making more informed decisions.

Therefore, there is also an increasing demand in this market for trading platforms that you can use to reduce risk by following already successful traders. Traders who are not interested in sharing their strategies with a following base, but you do not mind being transparent about their trades so followers can copy their trades and improve their play in the process.

How does Tycoon ensure adoption?

Because each trader has his own style and tools, we wanted to project more than just our own needs onto a single platform. Before we started developing the platform in 2018, we talked to hundreds of dealers and created a feature profile based on their input. The result is the most complete solution that results from the comparison table. Tycoon is the only solution with integrated margin trading that is critical to Pro Trader. But this is where it starts.


Discover an ever-growing variety of cryptocurrencies and automatically copy the underlying assets of professional merchants in our community.
Build your portfolio and enjoy the security and benefits of the largest exchanges in one place.
Discover an ever-growing variety of cryptocurrencies and automatically copy the underlying assets of professional merchants in our community. Build your portfolio and enjoy the security and benefits of the largest exchanges in one place.


Copy attachment

Followers can copy investment strategies from professional traders without entrusting their investments to unknown third party institutions.

Classified dealer

Merchants are classified by different characteristics and can be sorted by the follower.

Confidentiality of

Follower followers also have the opportunity to act anonymously on the platform.

Profits followers

Successful traders benefit from their followers, who make additional investments without having to manage them themselves.

Without additional effort

Traders benefit proportionally from the earnings of their followers, without much additional effort.

data protection

All users have the option to work with an alias to protect their privacy.

Token Details:

Name: Tycoon
Blockchain: ERC-20
Max. Offer: 140 million
ICO Price: $ 0.10


Token assignment:

60% for sale
18% for the team
14% for the partnership
5% for Bounty / Airdrop
3% for consultants


January - August 2018
Conceptual design
team building

September 2018
Frontend development
Corporate identity

October 2018
Hackathon with development team in Belgrade (Serbia)

Beginning of October 2018
Platform development

December 2018 - March 2019
White Paper Creation

November 2018
private sale

Second half of 2019
Product Launch - MVP Test

Second half of 2019
Crowd Sale

Second half of 2019
Platform Update - Final
Exchange Listings



Username Profile BTT: rizalkurniawan58

ETH Address: 0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A


Hasil gambar untuk media Cryptoknowmics

Hello Friends Everyone, Back Again With Me rizalkurniawan58, On this occasion I will explain a little about Cryptoknowmics

What is Cryptoknowmics?

Cryptoknowmics is one of the good and decentralized media portals that are present for every aspect of the crypto world. We aim to become the largest media platform in the crypto space and want to provide all information and services to our users. Real innovation is reflected in our platform content strategy.

We feature news, videos, live broadcasts, events, analysis, market fundamentals, dApps, ICO, STO, IEO, coins, tokens, exchanges, wallets, in-depth market analysis and learning modules and tutorials to help fans and traders gain understanding better about the complex world of crypto and identifying market trends. We integrate information from more than 3000 sources and give our users a complete and detailed overview and market technical analysis. We also help people who are looking for jobs in crypto and employers by registering their names and information on our platform.

We will also feature an open discussion forum where users can voice their opinions and have one-on-one conversations with experts or talk to each other and create smart and harmonious podiums. Global crypto APIs and indexes that contain prices and trends of all the top exchanges around the world will also be integrated into the platform. We will feature an advanced arbitration module that includes more than 200 coins / tokens and 20,000 trading pairs, which will allow crypto traders to hedge and produce easily.

We pride ourselves on our honesty and transparency and continuously strive to maintain consistency. We continue to strive to grow and develop, structurally and technologically. To ensure credibility, we place all our articles and press releases through a comprehensive screening process carried out by our talented editorial staff. We are currently working on implementing Artificial Intelligence to eliminate false news and ensure that our users get the most accurate, accurate and diverse information. To stay consistently accurate, we review the market and exchange regularly with a good comb.


Cryptoknowmics is an innovative and decentralized platform that serves almost every aspect of the crypto space. It aims to be the top destination and the largest media portal in the crypto space and the all-in-one solution for information and services for the industry. In other words, this project is about building a Financial Times or a Wall Street Journal for the crypto world with many additional features. The real innovation lies in the content strategy where the users are incentivized for almost every action they take on the platform including simply reading a news release or an article. There is no news provider that would incentivize its readers, this is an industry first.

Unlike trading the stock market, the cryptocurrency market is a more volatile and open market where the investors and users often have to rely on many different channels to find and obtain reliable information such as news sites, announcements, exchanges, social media and search engines. For instance, to get accurate information and credible analysis regarding the stock market, anyone can read the Financial Times or the Wall Street Journal. What is still lacking for the crypto space is a credible publication or platform that is specialized in crypto and that covers almost every aspect of it with unbiased and curated information and services.

On the other hand, marketing crypto products and services to a target segment is a big challenge in the current crypto market situation. Advertisers have to use multi-channel advertising campaigns that are often costly and difficult to manage. Many large media platforms do not have crypto-friendly advertising and promotion policies, which further aggravates this issue. For instance, both Google and Facebook have banned/or restricted crypto advertising on their platforms making it extremely difficult for crypto advertisers and promoters to reach mass markets. Thus, the current market situation presents a huge opportunity for a new solution to fill this market gap.

Cryptoknowmics features news and articles, ICO/STO listing and review, token/coin market analysis, forum, crypto gaming, ICO/airdrop launchpad, marketplace, learning module, APIs and a crypto index. The platform is available as a web page and also a mobile app which is supported by both Android and iOS. The MVP version of the web page is already live in the domain of and it has gained a substantial audience in a short period even without any paid advertising and promotion.

The platform incentivizes its user interaction with tokens for almost any action including reading content, watching videos, clicking sponsored links, gaming, crypto trading, claiming airdrops, buying event tickets and subscribing to premium resources. IP tracking, captcha and AI algorithms are used to prevent bots and misuse of the system and the incentivisation is fully controlled by the blockchain.

Cryptoknowmics’ monetizing strategy includes many revenue streams
including listing and review fees, sponsored content fees, PPC/PPM advertising fees, premium content subscription fees, ticket sales
commissions, learning module commissions, marketplace commissions, and API subscription fees. Cryptoknowmics spans over many available market segments in addition to the crypto market that includes the digital advertising market which is worth over a $280 billion and sponsorship market worth over US$ 65 billion. Although the target market could be much smaller than the total available market, it is obviously still a huge and fast growing market.

Cryptoknowmics aims to raise US $6 million in an ICO to finance the full development and implementation of the platform over a two-year period. Total of 10 billion tokens are in supply and 25% of which are to be issued in the token sale. The token is priced at $0.0024 per token. A lucrative bonus scheme will be available for early investors.

30% of the total token supply is reserved for content contributors/subscribers which will be released at 10% (of 30%) every quarter and unused tokens, if any, will be carried forward to the following quarter as reserves. If the brought forward tokens are not used in a particular quarter, then they will be burned. In addition, Cryptoknowmics pledges to burn 10% of the tokens received as net revenue from platforms on quarterly basis using smart contracts, subject to a limit of 25% of the total supply.

Cryptoknowmics is backed by a team that possesses the necessary skills and competencies in a wide array of areas including entrepreneurship, blockchain technology, UI/UX, and community building, which provides the right mix of talents to achieve its mission. All of the core team members have prior experience in either establishing or working for startup companies.

Cryptocurrency Landscape:

Total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies is currently (April 2019) valued at around US $175 billion. Despite the cryptocurrency market cap having fallen down from their record highs of over US $800 billion by January 2018, the industry is expected to experience growth in trading volumes in 2019. According to a research conducted by Satis Group, crypto trading volume will grow by over 50% in 20191. In the United States, the trading volume of cryptocurrencies will overtake the trading volume of corporate debt market in 2019. And even more significantly, the trend shows that crypto trading volume is set to reach 10% of the equity trading volume in the world’s largest economy and home to the world’s biggest stock market, the USA. Currently, the volume of U.S. equities is estimated to be over US $74 trillion while that of crypto trading is US $7.3 trillion2.

After the recent speculative bubble in cryptocurrencies, now the crypto prices are following a slow but steady uptrend since January 2019. For example, bitcoin has increased in value by over 25% from its bottom in December 2018 to April 2019. Analysts are also predicting $20 for XRP by the end of the year. ETH is already climbing back up, so is Litecoin and many other major cryptocurrencies. 

Prominent supporters of cryptocurrency are highly positive about the future of cryptocurrency in the coming years. For example, Eric Thies, a well-known cryptocurrency analyst, calls 2019 the “year of accumulation for bitcoin,” and explains to CCN3 : “My core reason on BTC bullishness is simple: Find me anywhere in any market where the floor held 20+ times on a weekly chart, only to break to the downside afterward. You’ll be looking for a while. The only way it happens on Bitcoin would be from an enormous black swan event.” On the other hand, Elon Musk, the Tesla founder, during an episode of ARK Invest's podcast in February 2019, mentioned that he believes that the paper money is going away and crypto will take its place4 in the future.

Following chart shows that despite the high volatility, Bitcoin transaction count is showing an upward trend. A major reason for this uptrend is the increase in the acceptance of cryptocurrencies at a larger scale. For example, according to cryptocurrency acceptance monitoring resource5 CoinMap, the number of venues across the globe accepting Bitcoin is up over 702% since December 2013.

The Problem:

Ever since the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrencies have seen an unprecedented growth and potential in creating new products, services, markets and investment opportunities for people across the globe. Cryptocurrencies are fast capturing the interest of the general public and they are quickly becoming common in day-to-day transactions. This has created a huge demand for crypto news and crypto-related products and services. In fact, there are hundreds, if not thousands of crypto-related websites and media on the internet. However, almost all of these media are focused on or specialized in one or few aspects of the crypto space. Therefore, people often have to access different sources/platforms to satisfy their needs as there is no single reliable source or platform that can efficiently and effectively serve the needs of almost any crypto market segment. On the other hand, this situation has made it challenging for crypto products/service promoters to reach out to the mass market without costly campaigns.

Lack of a single source of credible information

Unlike trading the stock market, the cryptocurrency market is a more volatile and open market where the investors and consumers often have to rely on many different channels to find and obtain reliable information such as news sites, announcements, exchanges, social media and search engines. For stock market, for instance, anyone can read the Financial Times or the Wall Street Journal to get accurate information and credible analysis.

The crypto market saw a huge resurgence of interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies when prices climbed in the recent past, and especially when prices hit new highs in 2017. The number of crypto-related websites and online content rapidly increased with this resurgence, but what is still lacking is a credible publication or platform that is specialized in crypto industry and that covers almost every aspect of it with unbiased and curated information.

Marketing and communication is a challenge

Marketing crypto products and services to target markets and also managing online PR with the crypto market is a big challenge in the current market situation. This is partly because of the problem that was discussed previously, i.e. sources of information in the crypto industry are so dispersed and there is no single platform that is commonly used by almost anyone in the crypto industry. Advertisers have to use multi-channel advertising campaigns that is often costly and difficult to manage. Many large media platforms do not offer crypto-friendly advertising and promotion policies, which further aggravates this issue. For instance, both Google and Facebook have banned/or restricted crypto advertising on their platforms making it extremely difficult for crypto advertisers and promoters to reach mass markets. On the other hand, this situation presents a huge opportunity for a new solution to fill this market gap while empowering consumers to make informed decisions.

For example, the below chart shows the variety of typical marketing methods used in ICO promotion. It clearly shows how difficult, costly and complex a typical ICO marketing campaign could be in the current market situation.

The Solution:

Cryptoknowmics is building a decentralized all-in-one platform that covers almost every aspect of the crypto space and would be the obvious source for reliable information and services for the industry. In other words, it is building a Financial Times or a Wall Street Journal for the crypto world with many additional features. The innovation of the platform lies in the content strategy where the users are incentivized for almost every action they take on the platform.

Cryptoknowmics is accessible via a web page ( and also via a mobile app which is supported by both Android and iOS. The platform includes the following components:

Crypto news and updates
Crypto news aggregation
Crypto index
Market & price analysis
Crypto blog
Listing and rating of ICOs, STOs, and IEOs
Listing of tokens and coins
DApp listing & review
Crypto gaming platform
Crypto exchange & wallet listing
Crypto discussion forum
Crypto event listing
Crypto jobs/freelance marketplace
Airdrop listing and management
ICO launchpad
Blockchain tutorials and certificate courses

There Will Be Many More Features To Come As And When The Audience Grows, Since The Opportunities In The Crypto Space Are Endless.

Crypto News And Updates
Cryptoknowmics publishes news and blogs in article and feed style along with social media updates. Users are also able to submit news and social media updates, which are published only after being reviewed by the editorial staff to ensure quality. The platform also offers sponsored news and press releases for crypto projects.

Crypto News Aggregation
The platform aggregates crypto news from more than 3000 sources including other crypto news sites, blogs, articles, social media, official announcements into a single platform enabling users to stay updated with the crypto world. This can save a lot of time and energy of the users who would otherwise be browsing many sources to stay updated.

Crypto Market Index
Cryptoknowmics will publish a crypto market index designed to measure the overall growth, daily and long term movement, developer interest, investor interest and product development, market capitalization and future prospects of the crypto. The index will be based on the above parameters and would serve as an essential tool for investors in their trading decisions and as a benchmark for the entire crypto industry.

Market & Price Analysis
The platform publishes periodical market analysis reports for selected cryptocurrencies that can provide market intelligence for crypto investors including fundamental and technical analysis. Some of these contents are only accessible by premium subscribers only. Users are also able to submit market analysis that are published after review. This will also include arbitrage analysis of crypto for crypto traders across many different exchanges and crypto pairs.

Crypto-Related Articles
The platform publishes regular and unique articles intended for different audiences in the crypto world. These articles are sourced from industry experts and the users can also submit articles to be published on the platform.

Listing And Rating Of ICOs, STOs, And IEOs
The platform provides listing and rating of ICOs, STOs and IEOs along with review and rating of the same. An expert panel reviews the projects and provides an independent review and rating on the project that is published on the platform. Apart from the internal review and rating, users are also able to add their own rating on the project that is also published along the internal rating.

Listing Of Tokens And Coins
Tokens and coins that are currently in the market along with their market/price information are updated live on the platform. In addition, the platform keeps track of dead coins that have deceased or considered scams. Further, the platform acts as a repository of whitepapers of ICO projects.

DApp Listing & Review
DApp developers can submit their apps, which are published on the platform after a verification to ensure quality. DApp developers can also get their apps reviewed. Users can browse and search to find DApps and they can provide their rating and reviews similar to an app store. Detailed analytics are available for the DApp developers on the user interaction.

Crypto Gaming Platform
Cryptoknowmics offers a gaming platform for crypto/blockchain games. Games can be in-house developed or third party games can be integrated on our platform that can be free, paid or sponsored to play online. Gaming platform is fully incentivized where players can earn tokens by playing games.

Crypto Exchange & Wallet Listing
The platform lists and reviews different crypto exchanges and wallets available in the market. Users are also able to add their reviews on the same. In addition, the platform includes a live crypto price arbitrage analysis in relation to fiat money prices of cryptocurrencies and exchange rates of different crypto pairs at all major crypto exchanges. This enables investors and users to take advantage of price differences of different crypto exchanges.

Crypto Discussion Forum
Crypto discussion forum is also a major component of the platform enabling users to openly discuss any crypto-related topic. This is similar to a forum like Unlike other forums, users are encouraged to engage in discussions and they are incentivized based on their level of engagement and reputation.

Crypto Event Listing
This is the section where crypto industry events such as summits, conferences, training programs, speeches can be listed and promoted to target market segments. The users are able to buy tickets for these events online. Cryptoknowmics will also organize industry events under its brand.

Crypto Jobs/Freelance Marketplace
Freelancers and job seekers are able to list their profiles in this section. Employers can also post their projects/jobs and then the freelancers/job seekers can apply for them. This typically functions as a freelancing marketplace specialized for the crypto world.

Airdrop Launchpad
Airdrop launchpad helps crypto projects to list and manage their airdrops on a single platform. The project owners can specify various tasks/actions to be completed in order to receive the tokens including referrals, sharing and joining social media groups. The launchpad tracks user actions to ensure the tokens are issued only to those who successfully complete the requirements. It also provides comprehensive analytics to analyse the status and the outcome of the airdrop.

ICO launchpad:

Cryptoknowmics ICO Launchpad facilitates launching new ICO/STO projects. It enables ICO projects to easily collect their funds on the ICO and distribute the tokens to the purchasers in public or private sales in a fast and secure environment. The tokens are listed on the cryptoknowmics exchange soon after the ICO. In addition, the launchpad provides many services to the projects that plans to hold ICOs, STOs and IEOs. These services include:

Tokenization advice regarding transformation of any offering into blockchain tokens
Creative support: ICO website/logo design, branding advisory
Technical support: Whitepaper review, smart contracts & audits and custom developments
Legal support: Terms and conditions review and privacy policies
Team support: Finding right professionals for the advisory board
Promotion support: Consultation on digital advertising including social media promotion
PR & event management: Finding PR opportunities such as speeches, participations and sponsorships.

Blockchain Tutorials And Certificate Courses
The platform will offer tutorials and certificate courses relating to different aspects of blockchain technology and crypto space such as blockchain development, crypto trading and so on. Both free and premium tutorials and courses will also be available. Users are able to create tutorials and certificate courses to be offered on the platform. All the courses are to be screened for  quality by Cryptoknowmics before they are published on the platform. This would function similar to other online learning platforms such as or

Token Economics:

Cryptoknowmics aims to raise US $6 million in an ICO to finance the full development and implementation of the platform. Token sale is scheduled to start in July 2019 and will continue till hard cap reached.

Token name : Cryptoknowmics Token
Ticker symbol : CKM
Token type : ERC20
Total token supply : 10 billion
Token pricing : US $0.0024
Hard cap : US $6 million

Token Distribution:

Private / Crowd sale : 25.00% 2,500,000,000
Bonus reserve : 15.00% 1,500,000,000
Advisors and strategic partners : 10.00% 1,000,000,000
Team reserve : 15.00% 1,500,000,000
Bounties and airdrops : 5.00% 500,000,000
Content contributors/subscribers : 30.00% 3,000,000,000
Total : 100.00% 10,000,000,000

30% of the total token supply is reserved for content contributors/subscribers which will be released at 10% (of 30%) every quarter and unused tokens, if any, will be carried forward to the following quarter as reserves. If the brought forward tokens are not used in a particular quarter, then they will be burned. In addition, Cryptoknowmics pledges to burn 10% of the tokens received as net revenue from platforms on quarterly basis using smart contracts, subject to a limit of 25% of the total supply.


Jan - Mar 2019
Cryptoknowmics beta portal

Apr - June 2019
CKM mobile application - Android & Apple Android Platform

Jul - Sept 2019
Sales of Tokens, Crypto Games Through CKM, Forum

Oct-Dec 2019 
Blockchain-based token distribution For writers and end users Start organizing crypto events and conferences, ICO / STO Launchpad, Arbitrage 200 + exchange \ 10000+ Trading pairs.

Jan-Mar 2020
Detection of fake al-based news Based on a special API for end users and companies

Apr-Jun 2020
Al-based advertising platform

Jul - September 2020
Crypto Index

For more information, please visit the link below:


Username Profile BTT: rizalkurniawan58

ETH Address: 0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A

KNL Ecosystem - Blockchain platform that symbolizes agricultural assets

Hello friends everyone, today I will talk about the crypto project called KNL Ecosystem, below I will give you a more detailed description of the KNL Ecosystem project

KNL Ecosystem Introduces the Vision of Agriculture to Overcome Farmers' Financial Challenges

The KNL Ecosystem provides agricultural solutions to farmers' financial problems. Companies and individual investors can directly finance certain producers on the P2P format platform. This platform offers favorable conditions compared to banks.

Farmers can also use their financial instruments, such as futures, futures, and swaps, to get working capital. Manufacturers get two opportunities at once: finance and sales.

This project has a wide audience. In 2015, 9.4% of the working population was employed on agriculture. 170 million small companies are engaged in agriculture. The area of ​​cultivation of small farms for harvest in 2016 is 22 million hectares. These people are all interested in developing a business.
Do farmers need agriculture? Is there a lot of agriculture in the Russian Federation?

In 2015, 9.4% of the workforce was employed in agriculture. Despite the fact that this figure has fallen by 2% over the past decade, it is still impressive. In some areas, more than 27% of the workforce is employed in agriculture.

The agricultural sector is actively developing in Russia. In 2016, this country became the best wheat export in the world. In 2017, the largest wheat crop in history was harvested in the Russian Federation - 130 million tons. In the same year, Russia for the first time in history overtook Argentina and Ukraine, taking second place in the world in terms of lost grain exports (all varieties) in the United States.

The main reason for this achievement is a record wheat crop in the south. At the same time, wheat is the main export product. 67% of the total sown area is given to wheat.

What is the share of farmers in the structure of CX?

In this context, farmers are small and micro businesses in the agricultural sector. It can be in the form of individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises. Over the past decade, the share of “farmers” in the agricultural structure of the Russian Federation has almost doubled. Over the same period, the share of large-scale agriculture was about 10%

170 million small companies are engaged in agriculture. The cultivated area for harvesting in 2016 is 22 million hectares. This is almost half of the large area. At the same time, the area for growing agricultural vegetables is already larger than that of large companies.
Who can help farmers?
KNL Ecosystem strives to solve problems in the agricultural sector. This platform provides a comprehensive solution that brings together all participants in the agricultural market. The main idea of ​​the company is to provide manufacturers with a single platform for the production and sale of products.

One of the main innovations of KNL is the exchange of goods with a convenient interface for agriculture. This allows farmers to obtain working capital using financial instruments such as futures, forwards and swaps. In addition, manufacturers can use the platform to promote their products.

But dynamics is more important than absolute values. Crop production has declined over the past decade. During the same period, farmers expanded 10 million hectares of land. The largest increase was observed in plants - the planting area increased by almost 5 million hectares. Currently, it reaches 15 million people.

Examples of successful commodity exchanges show developing countries. So, from 2008 to 2012, Ethiopia increased coffee exports from $ 599 million to $ 777 million. At the same time, farmers increased their average income per pound of coffee by 79%. Rwanda and Nigeria began similar exchanges.

However, KNL uses Blockchain technology for its solution. This gives you a number of advantages: low costs do not include intermediaries; Wide access to investment instruments due to low entry limits; Foreign payments Minimize the risk of fraud.

The company plans to manage the responsible storage of products in its own elevator and build its own logistics network. KNL strives to create a convenient ecosystem for sellers and buyers.

KNL chose a pilot site to launch the platform, Stavropol. The choice is due to infrastructure support and developed resources. Another important factor is stable business relations with local agricultural companies, such as CargillYug, Export Agro-Arts, Vitalmarago and others.

Farmers receive profitable investments (working capital to increase the area). The investor is activated by a token (located in the form of real grain in the official elevator on the platform). Investors can sell tokens on the exchange at any time.
KNL token?
KNL is a token that provides access to investment projects on platforms issued by the Kernel-Trade Platform Digital Asset Fund. KNL storage requirements provide all payments that are important to the Kernel-Trade platform. KNL's liquidity, which stimulates demand for tokens and protects investors and platforms from market volatility, allows investors to plan their investments more carefully. Using KNL to cover all fees and transaction costs is a fast, secure and reliable way to pay for digital assets and their derivatives on the Kernel-Trade platform.

The badge will go on sale 10/07/2009. This token is used by IEO in the KNL ecosystem at runtime. His trading will be supported by the TOP exchange. Buying KNL tokens will give you big discounts on platform tools. This is also an investment fund.

The first token, which symbolizes physical assets, will be released on our platform in early 2020 and will be used for trading between investors and partners, depending on the loan that can be issued. Check transactions on the blockchain.
Token Details:
  • Price: KLN
  • Type: Cryptocurrency
  • Token Standard: ERC20
  • Token value in US dollars: 1 KLN = 0.1 USD
  • Accepted currencies: ETH, LTC, BTC, USD
  • Token supply: 58,700,000 KLN
  • Total sold tokens: 35 220 000 KLN
  • Soft Hat: $ 350,000
  • Hard Cap: $ 5,870,000
Token Distribution:
  • 5% funds
  • Implemented at 60% - KNOW
  • 5% - consultant
  • 10% funded program
  • 20% - team
Distribution of funds:
  • 6% - operating costs
  • 10% - legal support
  • 25% - marketing and advertising
  • Issue and issue of 49% -KNL stock exchange
  • 10% - Star development itself
Road map:
  • Q3-Q4 2018
Development of concepts related to loans to farmers, team building, platform development, development of a business plan, approval of the initial transaction and partial payments for initial elevator purchases, market analysis and problem analysis
  • Q1 2019
Work with platform modules, such as digital assets, business associations, negotiations with potential consultants, development of corporate legal documents and contracts using smart tokens, work with the first version of the web interface, planning marketing campaigns before launching IEO with bonuses, preparing and etc. Launch the platform financing module and the exchange of digital assets to conclude agreements with cryptocurrency exchanges and create an affiliate network.
  • Q2 2019
Pre-IEO starts with bonuses, crowdfunding platform modules and preparations for launching digital asset exchanges, signing contracts with cryptocurrency exchanges, creating affiliate networks
  • Q3 2019
Implement IEO, use various exchanges, launch digital assets and crowdfunding platforms, license crypto-exchange transactions in Estonia, present projects to private investors, create investment collections, attract additional team members and consultants and send partners. Provide the first investment site, marketing campaigns, company presentations at various events in Russia and the CIS, expanding initial marketing in Europe and Asia, opening branches in Yakhariya, Sweden.
  • Q4 2019
He opened an office in Hong Kong, received bank exchanges and licenses in the UK, paid the remaining amount for the purchase of the first elevator, the holding of large agricultural exhibitions, international advertising campaigns, marketing campaigns for the CIS countries, the acquisition of second elevators, the launch of iOS, Android applications native iOS
  • Kolesnikov Andrey Grigoryevich: General Director for the development of the KNL tokenization platform
  • Alkhasov Roman: developer, marketer of the KNL project
  • Paradise Ilya: employee of the PR department of the KNL tokenization platform
  • Minin Denis: lead KNL project marketer, coordinator
  • SMM
  • Glazov Andrey: Senior Marketing Research Analyst
  • Homeless Denis: KNL Token Platform Tester
  • Akmuradov Timur: Technical Director
  • Bogdan Mikhail: CFO
  • Lipatov Arthur: Advisor
  • Molotosov Oleg: financial adviser
  • Hamza Khan: Advisor
  • Marcio Teruel: Advisor
  • Sean Brizendin: Advisor

So, this time, when I write about the KNL Ecosystem project, I hope it will be useful for those of you who are curious about this project.
For more information, please visit the link below:
BTT Username Profile: rizalkurniawan58
ETH Address: 0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A Community Driven. Future Focused. Built To Win.

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