Jumat, 20 September 2019

CitiOS IoT blockchain project — Revolutionizing urban development

Hasil gambar untuk citios

Hi friends, come back with me rizalkurniawan58, on this occasion I will give a little explanation about the Citios Blockchain project, for more detailed information, let's look together

CitiOS could be one of the greatest IoT Blockchain projects that the world have seen to date. According to its implementation plan, the project will have a very tremendous impact on the lives of people.

By integrating blockchain technology into IoT systems, the project is set to be a great success following the success that both blockchain and IoT technology have had over the last few years. Again, urbanization is on a rise, which is an important booster for economies around the world, and it requires technologies like IoT and blockchain to tackle the challenges along the way.


CitiOS is geared towards changing the quality of life in both developed and developing countries by providing a conducive environment for the construction and maintenance of smart megacities in urban development.

Over the last few years, IoT has been the focal point when it comes to automation especially in urban development. However, it has been hit by quite a number of threatening challenges namely cyber-attacks, congestion and high cost of setting up the necessary infrastructure for the ever-growing IoT network. For the megacities and also the upcoming smart cities, this poses a great threat which would hamper their future developments.

For example, nowadays, streetlights in cities are too many to be manually operated. Also, it would require a huge amount of capital to invest in the infrastructure if everything was to solely depend on IoT. For instance, in countries like Kenya, the government has invested heavily on the power lines, sensors, and control units as it seeks to electrify the country and set up streetlights along its major highways and cities. By adopting the CitiOS model, which uses blockchain technology to interlink the various devices like streetlights and also control how they function using smart contracts, the cost could be greatly reduced.

By using blockchain technology, CitiOS reduces the cost of the required infrastructure. The only things that shall be required shall be the devices like streetlights and ultraviolet light sensors. No control units are required, the blockchain does the rest of the work.

CitOS will also go a great way in improving structural health monitoring in megacities. In megacities, a lot of coordination will be required to gather information on the upcoming infrastructure and also keep track of the old infrastructure to ensure that all safe to avoid dictators.

That's all I have to say about the Citios Blockchain project. For more information, please visit the link below:



ETH Address:0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A

MainFinex - Perdagangan aset digital yang sangat di percaya

Banyak dari kita tidak perlu lagi menjelaskan manfaat dari teknologi blockchain terbaru. Kami tahu persis apa manfaatnya dan bagaimana hal itu dapat mengubah struktur banyak proses teknis di semua bidang dan bidang kehidupan kami.

Pasar cryptocurrency tampaknya mendapatkan popularitas setiap hari. Seiring dengan peningkatan cryptocurrency astronomi seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum.

Saat ini, ada banyak platform digital yang menggunakan orang yang masih kurang memiliki keterampilan yang memadai. Akibatnya, kualitas teknologi yang dibuat berkurang. Ini mempengaruhi platform sistem operasi yang bekerja dengan baik pada awalnya, tetapi akhirnya ditolak jika sejumlah besar transaksi harus diproses. Dalam banyak kasus, masalah jaringan ini menyebabkan kesalahan transaksi. Beberapa pengguna yang tidak dapat mentolerir ini memilih untuk meninggalkan platform. Ini adalah bentuk kekecewaan karena sistem teknis yang dirancang tidak dapat diandalkan.

Untuk alasan saya di atas, hari ini saya akan memperkenalkan platform perdagangan yang menjanjikan untuk memberikan pengguna pengalaman hebat saat menggunakan platform perdagangan ini.


Mainfinex adalah solusi yang sama sekali baru untuk pertukaran mata uang digital. Mainfinex adalah platform perdagangan universal dengan berbagai layanan untuk membeli, memperdagangkan dan menukar mata uang digital.

Mainfinex menyediakan pertukaran andal yang dapat digunakan pedagang crypto untuk berdagang dengan informasi dan berpartisipasi dalam pasar cryptocurrency. Saat diluncurkan, Mainfinex menawarkan 15 pasangan cryptocurrency, yang semuanya termasuk USDT. Pertukaran cryptocurrency Mainfinex menawarkan sesuatu untuk semua jenis pedagang, terlepas dari tingkat pengalaman mereka. Pemula akan menghargai antarmuka intuitif dan fakta bahwa Mainfinex menggunakan grafik Tradingview. Pedagang tingkat lanjut menghargai ratusan alat menggambar, banyak indikator, dan penyesuaian bagan lanjutan.

Tujuan Mainfinex:

Tujuan utama pengembang Mainfinex Exchange adalah untuk memiliki semua kenyamanan bagi pengguna untuk melakukan operasi pertukaran dan untuk mengimplementasikan proses individu dengan cepat dengan biaya minimal.

Dengan munculnya jenis proyek ini, kehidupan banyak pedagang diubah menjadi "depan dan belakang". Terletak di Mainfinex, Anda akan menemukan momentum yang paling dapat diandalkan dan berkualitas tinggi serta analisis pasar dan tampilan otomatis dari beberapa teori abstrak. Ini dibangun langsung pada pengalaman dan pengetahuan para pedagang PRO yang melakukan analisis pasar selama berjam-jam, mengungkapkan dinamika dan tingkat pertumbuhan mereka.

Mainfinex akan diluncurkan pada 1 November dan menawarkan transaksi kripto sederhana.

Mainfinex secara resmi diluncurkan pada 1 November 2019, menyediakan antarmuka yang disederhanakan untuk pedagang cryptocurrency untuk menyelesaikan transaksi.

Mainfinex dibangun berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya dari beta yang akan online pada 28 Maret dan IEO Mainfinex mulai pada 16 September.

Penyediaan cryptocurrency:

Saat diluncurkan, Mainfinex menawarkan 15 pasangan cryptocurrency, yang semuanya termasuk USDT dan Tether. Ini adalah:

Miss, Elf, Hot

Saat Mainfinex tumbuh, daftar cryptocurrency cenderung berkembang, termasuk pasangan yang menyertakan aset selain USDT.

Mainfinex memudahkan pengunjung situs web untuk menemukan semua informasi yang relevan, mulai dari berita terbaru hingga dukungan, login, dan pendaftaran.


Tanpa ragu, ulasan sederhana tidak cukup untuk memahami semua manfaat dan fitur Mainfinex. Namun, di sini kami hanya menyentuh beberapa konsep lengkap yang dapat dipelajari dari dokumentasi teknis proyek.

Menurut saya, proyek ini sangat menarik dan menjanjikan. Karena tidak ada platform seperti itu di pasar. Di sana Anda dapat pedagang PRO, sehingga orang dapat merusak keberuntungan mereka dan belajar cara berdagang.

Dan untuk sepenuhnya memahami inti dari proses ini, kami sarankan Anda mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Mainfinex. Untuk melakukan ini, kami memiliki semua sumber daya yang diperlukan. Tautan ini ada di akhir artikel ini. Dia! Terima kasih atas perhatian anda Sampai jumpa lagi!

Cukup sekian penjelasan dari saya rizalkurniawan58 tentang proyek Mainfinex , Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:


ETH Address:0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A

Kamis, 19 September 2019

Review of the FRED Energy project

About FRED Energy:

The main goal of this project is to encourage modern society to support most electric vehicles, as well as support a new era with them, where the use of electricity is the main source of energy for the entire space around us. Thinking about the main goals of this project, we can confidently say that everyone who supports ethics, as well as support in supporting the environment, creates a cleaner, greener future for all future generations. That I consider very important, given the interest of many countries in our world together.
Fred Energy is trying to play a key role in the blockchain green energy project. Entering the market of EV gas stations through niche segments and increasing market share. Help accelerate the use of alternative energy and consumer generation. Get an online market for alternative energy products that accept cryptocurrency. A secure star-based service token.

Electric vehicle charging station:

The Energize project will focus on charging stations for electric vehicles (EV). The gas station market is currently emerging around the world, and although large companies need large infrastructure, there is a need for independent small people to fill niche segments. Based on the accelerating project, we ask for the introduction of EV gas stations in order to meet the growing demand of customers now and in the future.

The global automotive infrastructure market is valued at $ 63 billion by 2025, and FRED Energy wants to be part of this new ecosystem.


Expedited project

Throughout Asia, tuk-tuk is a popular mode of transportation, but it improves fuel efficiency and contributes to local air pollution.

Our goal is to cooperate with suppliers. Electric tuk-tuk and solar energy Each vehicle will use the FRED Energy logo and will encourage tuk-tuk taxi drivers provided in cities and tourist areas of Asia, namely Thailand, Vietnam and China, and will become the basis for the Energize project.

Fred Energy Market:

We believe that diversification will be the key to our success, our website shop.fredenergy.org will become an alternative energy market for everything. Starting to demonstrate the products of our partners, he will ultimately complete EV household and commercial chargers, solar panels, electric and solar systems, consumer wind turbines and other related gadgets with payment options for using FRED Energy tokens and other cryptocurrencies in addition to traditional methods.


The energy of FRED is based on the Stellchain blockchain. The Stellar platform provides several applications that guarantee the security of your FRED TOKEN and make it easy to trade with any currency.

The FRED Energy token allows you to download the wallet application from Google Playstore, Appstore and for Windows.


FRED is a modeling tool for Shell, available exclusively through Gexcon.

FRED software is compiled in a single fire, discharge, explosion and dispersion model that predicts products from accidental and emergency processes, and also designs, stores, transports and distributes processes.

Ease of use allows the user to overcome the expected problems associated with reporting on objects and operations. This gives users the opportunity to look at the wave levels, gas circuit and thermal radiation directly on the layout.
FRED has continued to be developed and approved by Shell since the 1980s and is widely used by oil, gas and petrochemical companies, engineering contractors, insurers and regulatory agencies around the world. Integrated models that match a broad and unique program of large-scale experiments, combined with proven scientific research that complement results and consistency.

FRED can be used for:

Preparation and preparation
Justification of new designs and operations
Site planning and equipment optimization
Pre-incident planning and emergency response studies
Domino / Escalation Control Study
Accident investigation
Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) - with results that are directly integrated into the Shell QRA tool, Shepherd.

Token Information:

Ticker: FRED
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC-20
Available for sale: 460,560,000 FRED (57%)
Total supply: 808 million FRED


Presale Price: 1 FRED = 0.01 USD
IEO Price: 1 FRED = 0.01 USD
Accept: BTC, LTC, ETH
Hard stamp: $ 3,600,000
Bonus: pre-sale - 40%
Turn 1–35%
2-25% rest


Q3 2018

Q2 - 2019
Overcoming Excessive Honey Skin Expansion

3rd quarter - 2019
Obligations to SELL IRONS, COMPUTERS, AND PUBLIC LAW are closed

Q4 - 2019

Q1 - 2020
ANSWER Beginning military base, innovator NANJAWABAN DEVELOPMENT

Q2 - 2020

Q4 2020





ETH Address: 0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A

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