Selasa, 29 Januari 2019

Как делится дивиденд на обмен катекс? Как "майнинг в catex * ответы на вопросы здесь

Привет всем, я расскажу о неизвестных аспектах проекта catex в моей текущей статье. Прежде всего, в своей предыдущей статье я подробно рассказал о фондовом рынке катекс, если вы хотите прочитать статью из моего профиля. Я говорил об операциях там на фондовой бирже Катекс и говорил о том, как проводились транзакции и что происходило в разделе баланса.
Как вы знаете, как - это фондовая биржа или даже больше, чем биржа? Вы можете заниматься майнингом на бирже катекс. Кроме того, у него есть дивидентная собственность?

Что такое дивиденд и майнинг?
Divident: фондовый рынок делится вашей ежедневной прибылью с помощью шкафчиков токенов CATT. Если вы помните, некоторые биржи в руках своего токенини держат некоторое распределение, возможно, такое же, как дневная прибыль, которую мы можем сказать.
Добыча полезных ископаемых: Вы знаете процесс копания, но этот процесс является токеном catt, выданным вам в результате совершения покупки с токеном.
С быстрым развитием технологий, изменения происходят в мире. Эти изменения создают различия в привычках людей. Опыт, накопленный людьми в использовании технологий в прошлом, постепенно исчезает, и люди почти во всех областях должны обновляться в соответствии с технологиями. Это необходимость идти в ногу с развивающейся технологией. В то время как люди идут в ногу с этим, технологии, особенно интернет-технологии, постоянно ищут другие инновации для удовлетворения потребностей практически во всех областях. На самом деле, эти квесты направлены на то, чтобы уметь ловить время и быть одним из первых, кто откликнется на пожелания людей.

На данный момент Catex развивается отдельно от других фондовых бирж, и, похоже, уже нацелены на людей, точнее на инвесторов и трейдеров, предлагать им различные возможности, а не фондовый рынок.
Теперь я собираюсь поговорить о событии divident и событии майнинга, о котором я упоминал выше. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, которые нужно внимательно прочитать, я бы попросил вас задать их в этой статье.

Прежде всего, друзья заходят в раздел активов после входа на фондовый рынок.

Yukarıdaki ekran görüntüsünde gördüğünüz gibi locking kısmına geliyoruz, burada sağ kısımdaki kilitmeyi şimdilik görmeyin, daha sonraki ekran görüntüsünde kilitleme emrimizi verince buraya bu şekilde düşmüş olacak.

Изображение экрана, которое мы видим выше, является первой частью раздела активов после блокировки, а затем эта часть появится, этот раздел выглядит довольно просто вверху, похоже, что ваша часть периода под вашим месяцем позволит вам выбрать, как долго вы хотите заблокировать до 30 дней, 45 дней, 60 дней ,

Если вы видите скриншот выше, вы можете сказать ежедневную сумму от делителя. Как видите, этот раздел можно отобразить, выбрав делитель в разделе активов.

Я рассказал им о заблокированном токене, чтобы получить правильные данные, иначе я бы остался в воздухе. На самом деле я думаю, что это довольно просто, может быть, мы не можем сделать это, потому что наши друзья, которые думают, что это трудно, не могут поделиться. поддержите вашу поддержку;)

Так как же "добыча" ведется в катексах?

На самом деле я знаю, что ответ на этот вопрос довольно простой прямой продажи. но есть небольшие детали, например, какие паразиты, в которых вы участвуете, включены в майнинг аль-сат? здесь ниже снимок экрана, который я вижу ниже паритета со знаком весла, является ответом на наш вопрос.

Я хотел бы привлечь больше внимания к теме на приведенном выше снимке экрана, так что "catt mined this hour" является часовым лимитом майнинга, так как этот лимит виден в друзьях 75000, этот лимит полон, иногда через 10 минут, иногда 15 минут иногда заполнен 1 минутой.

Конечно, здесь полезно упомянуть, например, что у вас есть токен в 200 тыс. Ката, здесь ваш предел составляет 1%, то есть токен в 2 тыс. Каттов, вы получите токен в 2 тыс. Ката из процесса, который вы будете получать ежечасно, здесь я рекомендую обратить внимание на ограничения, которые уже пробовали, после того как вы установили сумму сбора в размере 1,05%. , Например, вы платите 100 единиц от цены, которую вы платите за 100 монет за монету в 105 сатов.

Помимо вышеперечисленного, вы уже покупаете нормальный паритет eth btc точно такой же, как и остальные остальные вещи.

Для инвесторов, которые хотят инвестировать, я хотел бы напомнить вам, что продажи катекс в настоящее время доступны на их фондовой бирже. Таким образом, вы можете зарегистрироваться и инвестировать в фондовый рынок. Я думаю, что благодаря функциям, которые она предоставляет, вам будет интересна эта фондовая биржа, которая облегчит жизнь человека. Вы можете просмотреть официальный сайт и инструменты социальных сетей. Вы найдете необходимые ссылки в конце этой статьи. Чтобы внимательно следить за проектом, я бы посоветовал вам внимательно следить за инструментами социальных сетей, а также читать официальный документ, подготовленный простым и несложным способом.




Jumat, 25 Januari 2019

With CATEX A New Breath ..


When we look at the point of the world as a result of technological developments, we see that different types of money are used to make payments. Especially in recent years, instead of using physical money, credit cards and new crypto coins are used. Crypto coins are digital exchange tools developed by the digital environment, produced by high performance computers and software professionals, which can be transferred and used without the need for central bank or other intermediary institutions. Crypto coins today are crypto exchanges where we can convert to other crypto coins or fiat currencies.

Crypto money exchanges are many trading platforms that bring us a lot of convenience, but also bring with them a number of problems. Since the day they were established, some negative news such as security breaches and stolen accounts have begun to be heard on crypto money exchanges. This negative situation, of course, increases in parallel with the increase in the number of users. However, in many stock exchanges, high commission fees, security weaknesses, useless menus, weak graphics, low transaction rates, problems with deposit and withdrawal transactions, irrelevant customer service, lack of contact with problem users, excessive density in the stock market and continuous maintenance Problems such as sites, users are the most common annoying conditions.

The Catex platform is a user-friendly trading platform that was established in August 2018 with the aim of eliminating all the problems and problems experienced by users. The Catex platform is one of the best examples of the crypto exchange exchanges in the block chain field.

90% of the crypto money exchanges are simple platforms with almost identical infrastructures, almost identical copies, which allow you to buy mostly bitcoins and some subcoins. The Catex platform is very different from its competitors in terms of both usage and operation. If we look at the characteristics of the Catex platform from the other exchanges in the market;


The Catex stock exchange has initiated a conversion that returns the commissions that were cut when users traded, with a certain percentage of bonuses, as a Catt coin. In this way, 80% of the commissions are distributed to the users who have Catt coins by their rate of transaction or by the rate of Catt coins they hold. 7 - 15 - 30 and 60 - day period Catt coin holding or lock to the Catex borsasının income from the revenue earned from the share and Catt coin bonus is given.

All important decisions on the Catex stock exchange are presented to the current user community and received based on the comments from them. Catex management will only be responsible for major operations related to the platform, marketing operations and some important managerial issues. As can be seen, the Catex platform differs from many crypto money exchanges, both in management, in earnings and in use.

One of the most important gain methods on the Catex stock exchange is the opportunity to earn money with mining activities. How is mining done and in what proportions? Mining earnings have certain criteria. The most important is the Mining rate. The mining ratio is a value defined by the platform to physically control the mining provision. It is the level of difficulty that is re-adjusted every day in order to maintain the gain stability of the mining companies, which are similar to the blocks we know from other mining coins. After logging in to your personal account on the Catex Stock Exchange, you can see your personal mine rate.


Finally, the Catex stock exchange lists 2 tokens per week, free of charge by users' vote. In many respects, Catex has differentiated its competitors and makes a difference in token listing.
When we look at the developer team of the Catex platform, we can say that the team consists of experienced people who can express themselves well. The people in this team have shown that their vision is broad and far-sighted. That is why they deserve praise.

For traders who want to trade on the Catex stock exchange or invest in Catt coins, Catt sales are currently available on the Catex stock exchange. You can easily register on the stock market and invest. Thanks to the different features it provides, we can say that many users will be interested in Catex stock exchange which will make their investment life easier and the future is very bright. But these views are my personal opinions and only connects me. I would ask you to act with your free will and not to consider the information given here as investment advice that will give you a definite gain.

For more detailed information about the platform, investing in the stock market, or in order to find out about the different features, please visit the official website at

Details of Coin:
Coin Icon: CATT
Platform: ETH - ERC-20
BTC / CATT as traded
Coin Price: Currently, traded at 14 SAT.
The amount circulating is 2 billion CATT coins.

Also the Catex platform team continues to raise the current coin value, often burning the Catt coin and reducing the number of Catt coins available in the market.

Official Information Resources:

Stock Market official website:



Minggu, 20 Januari 2019

MINDSYNC - A decentralized AI based platform

Hello everyone, how are you?
Have a nice day !!!

I have written about this project in blogger, but because this project in my opinion is interesting and there are many investors who want to invest in this project, then I try to write back here and hopefully my customers here enjoy it and love to read it and you all want to invest On this project so you get the benefit and know more.

Let's look at my writing by enjoying a cup of coffee and also a small cake that has been served by our beloved wife.

Enjoy !!!

Nowadays when people say "the Great Financial Revolution" they are definitely referring to cryptocurrency, blockchain and Bitcoin technology. These concepts have shocked the world with the latest approaches and many benefits. If you are not sure, you should know that the cryptocurrency market capital is increasing rapidly every second. Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrency lives online and is not controlled by any company or government. They also have higher monetary values ​​than traditional currencies. Bitcoin prices have doubled in a month and are up 180% since the beginning of 2017 due to the increasing demand for cryptocurrency worldwide.

Because of the growth of electronic money, more and more electronic money exchanges are carried out. There are currently more than 200 electronic money. Not surprisingly, more and more companies want to join the growing market and this potential to get maximum benefits while serving the needs of users of electronic money. However, they will not be able to stand out if they offer the same function or value, so users must look for other products if they really want to contribute to something valuable. for a long time.

Most of the world of cryptocurrency technology like Bitcoin relies on database forms with the advantage of being able to track the volume of large and secure transactions. The technology used by many digital currencies is Blockchain.

The Blockchain was first implemented in 2009, and was revolutionized with the Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. Blockchain technology consists of blocks that make transactions, where each block is interconnected through cryptography, thus forming a network.

Along with technological developments, cryptocurrency in the future has become an increasingly attractive proposition in the market and may not have traditional banking infrastructure.
Some developing countries in the world have even implemented Blockchain-based national currencies, such as Bitcoin, and this technology is also used by several large projects to help those who do not have bank accounts.

And Blockchain also has the potential to be used outside the scope of digital currencies, and attracts many traditional financial institutions to be adopted.

Let's see what is the newest project from the world of digital currency ???


Mindsync is a decentralized AI-based platform where people can be used in developing customers as experts, developers or services to create or share AI services as value.


Mindsync is a platform for completing customer tasks with AI technology competition and markets for solutions and training data sets. Our mission is to bring together the best artificial intelligence and hacking experts, data scientists, machine learning developers, big data, and computing power suppliers, investors, volunteers in one place to make AI solutions better available, cheaper, simpler for various customers , accelerating its development and creating a world market for AI solutions.



Customers post orders or assignments in the form of challenges on the platform, with detailed requirements, data sets, deadlines. Prizes will be shared among several platform participants.


Experts help customers prepare tasks, competition rules, examine solutions for tasks and get rewarded for such work.


DS / ML developers work on shared or group assignments. The competitive nature of their work maximizes the speed of development, quality and significantly reduces the cost of solutions for customers. The accepted solution developer automatically receives the award in accordance with the rules.


All datasets and kernels (task solutions) are hashed. Hash is stored on the blockchain to check integrity and protect against changes. Solution expert reviews, developer rankings and teams are written and stored on the blockchain (for additional security from ranking forgery).


Customers get the best solution for their tasks - algorithms and data along with expert reviews. Customers can post paid solutions on our platform to receive additional revenue from sales.


To find a solution, developers use the miner's computing power, fog supercomputer projects, cloud providers or exchange resources. This process, provided by the platform, is transparent to developers and they can focus solely on the task. Computing power suppliers receive payments immediately after the use of their resources.


Communities can also post their own algorithms and data for free or for sale at

And Investors can become sponsors of challenges and teams, pay prize funds and earn income from selling solutions. Investors can also receive part of the prize fund if they function as sponsors for teams that take part in the challenge.

MindSync tokens can be used for all payment operations among platform participants:




Offering a single platform handling real-world problems, paid or free. The solution is made by the AI, DS, ML community: You place orders for solutions that contain AI technology; developed by members of our community, a complete test and launch on our platform. It is also possible to integrate it into an existing business or other area.



Customers can order a completely new AI solution or use one of the ready-enterprise solutions from our repository which is ranked by Mindsync community experts who save a lot of time and also apply it to other more complicated challenges on the platform.


AIaaS APIMindsync Platform:

It is possible to run a production-ready solution internally and make a request for it to use the API without applying it on an external server, that is on your side. This makes it possible to create scalable applications using AI with unlimited theoretical computing power for any device.

And there are many other features, you can visit it here:


Name: Mindsync
Price: $ 0.14
Platform: Ethereum
Total tokens: 1,000,000,000
Symbol: MAI
The total token is distributed to the public: 500,000,000
Type: ERC20
Receive: ETH, BTC, LTC





Mindsync tokens are designed to invest in platforms, access AI solutions and reward participants such as machine learning developers, experts, volunteers and researchers, computing power and big data providers. Mindsync Tokens is the ERC20 utility token. The number of tokens is limited. Mindsync tokens are set to run on decentralized blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security of all financial transactions.






12/2018 - Pre Sales
02/2019 - General sales
Q3 / 2019 - Alfa
Q4 / 2019 - Beta




Sabtu, 19 Januari 2019

Protocolo OATH



Para garantir as redes descentralizadas e mantê-las em funcionamento, exigimos uma estrutura profundamente segura e confiável. Contratos perspicazes na maioria das vezes expelem o obstáculo da confiança entre os clientes. Eles diminuem os custos intermediários que podem existir no procedimento de troca. Com "contratos" não supervisionados e autoexecutáveis, as pessoas podem trabalhar juntas e se unir, sem nunca se encontrarem ou se conhecerem. O plano e a ideia de contratos brilhantes aplicam-se a várias situações, por exemplo, negócios baseados na web, proteção, aluguel de residências, manutenção de dinheiro, administrações orçamentárias, importação e envio, e muitos outros. Os contratos, em qualquer caso, não foram nem amplamente reconhecidos nem usados por causa de alguns confinamentos: desafios no contrato, falha em checar os dados da cadeia, impedimentos úteis, ausência de administração na cadeia e objetivos do debate, e pseudonimato.

Visão geral do OATH:

O OATH dará ampliações a vários dialetos de programação de contrato, permitindo que os clientes concedam debates sobre arranjos de metas e entendimentos de reclamações padrão ao compor contratos inteligentes ou aplicativos blockchain. OATH também fornecerá uma camada de estrutura para dApps com o objetivo de coordenar especificamente o protocolo OATH.

Nesse meio tempo, a OATH também fornecerá uma interface de desenvolvimento de contrato inteligente que reduzirá incrivelmente as obstruções à utilização de contratos brilhantes. Ao fornecer layouts básicos de contrato, o OATH aumentará a facilidade de uso de contratos brilhantes em uma variedade de situações. Os layouts incorporarão várias aplicações e situações normais, por exemplo, negócios baseados na web, garantia de direitos autorais, trocas de OTC e outros. O protocolo OATH será incorporado ao layout e incorporará um plano de metas de debate, remuneração e outros campos relacionados. Todos os contratos inteligentes desenvolvidos através da interface de contrato inteligente do OATH são consequentemente ancorados pelo protocolo OATH.

O núcleo do protocolo OATH é a nossa rede de júri. Eles garantem a retidão de contratos brilhantes que fundem o protocolo OATH resolvendo qualquer debate em potencial. A rede de jurados do OATH também servirá para relacionar notícias, ocasiões e previsões entre blockchains e a presente realidade.


Arquitetura Técnica OATH:

No blockchain, contratos sagazes são executados em uma máquina virtual de domínio fechado, que é uma estrutura desengatada que não tem associação com a condição externa. Isso implica que os contratos esclarecidos não podem ser discutidos diretamente com o mundo externo nem obter dados externos.

Para resolver esse problema, um Oracle pode fornecer informações off-fasten para acionar a fonte de informações para executar contratos esclarecidos. O Oracle pode obter consultas do contrato observando ocasiões explícitas e as informações são retornadas pela estratégia de retorno de chamada pelo Oracle. Nessa linha, o OATH utilizará um Oracle para conquistar qualquer obstáculo entre as pessoas na cadeia geral e o estágio OATH.

O protocolo OATH fornecerá aprimoramentos de contratos inteligentes para cadeias abertas padrão (contando, no entanto, não restritas a Ethereum (ETH), QuarkChain (QKC), (EOS) etc.) que contêm as APIs identificadas com objetivos de debate OATH administrações. OATH Os contratos inteligentes da Oracle também serão enviados para cadeias abertas como extensões entre contratos bem definidos e administrações externas do OATH.


OATH Blockchain:

A cadeia OATH contém um registro de caso e um IPFS para o armazenamento de documentos. O registro do caso contém todos os dados do caso, por exemplo, contratos, decisões, seleção de motivos de votação, escolha de ouvintes e assim por diante. OATH também terá um IPFS para armazenar documentos de prova relacionados ao caso.

O IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) é um sistema destinado a tornar uma técnica endereçável e distribuída da substância para guardar e compartilhar hipermídia em uma estrutura de registro dispersa. Ele substitui nomes de espaço habituais por endereços de substâncias, para que os clientes não precisem pensar sobre nomes e formas de armazenamento de documentos. Colocar um documento na cadeia IPFS produz uma espécie de hash determinado dependendo de sua substância. A estima do hash espelha especificamente a substância do registro. De fato, mesmo uma mudança de peça única pode resultar em uma estimativa de hash totalmente única. No momento em que o IPFS é solicitado a calcular a estimativa de hash de um registro, ele utilizará uma tabela de hash apropriada para descobrir o hub onde o documento está localizado. Nesse ponto, recupere o documento e confirme as informações contidas nele. O IPFS é uma estrutura de propósito geral com poucas restrições de armazenamento, em que documentos enormes são particionados em pequenos segmentos que podem ser baixados de vários nós nesse meio tempo.



Os nós da cadeia OATH abrangem o sistema de concordância do PoS. Cada hub é responsável por guardar dados de casos e registros de provas. O NODES também executa as administrações externas do OATH, por exemplo, o Oracle Query Event, observando as administrações e os cálculos de escolha do participante.

A administração de observação nas telas de nós questiona as ocasiões transmitidas pelo OATH Oracle e os comportamentos relacionados às tarefas através dos dados contidos no interior. Todos os nós serão rastreados em geral, e subseqüentemente a obtenção dos dados do Evento, os nós contrastarão e confirmarão os nós adjacentes. Mais de metade deles são afirmados, um nó será escolhido pelo 'cálculo de escolha do Nó PoS' para começar a administrar as administrações significativas.






White paper:




O AmaStar transformará a monetização da indústria de entretenimento adulto e criará um ecossistema intrincado que premia todos os participantes. O AmaStar é uma plataforma equipada com blockchain que visa resolver problemas atuais na indústria de adultos e fornecer aos indivíduos a oportunidade de ver conteúdos exclusivos de amadores e receber o pagamento pelo upload de seus vídeos caseiros, além de proporcionar aos anunciantes uma oportunidade de atingir um público altamente segmentado. audiência através de campanhas baratas e transparentes. Neste artigo, descrevemos os detalhes dessa visão e como planejamos realizá-la usando a ideologia blockchain da descentralização.

A AmaStar pretende criar uma plataforma de entretenimento para adultos que superará todos os projetos atuais do setor. A idéia principal é desenvolver um ecossistema que beneficie tanto os usuários finais quanto os criadores de conteúdo, ao mesmo tempo em que processam intermediários e intermediários que tomam uma parte do dinheiro do leão obsoleta. Imagine uma rede ativa em que os clientes escolhem o que querem ver e desempenham um papel vital em peneirar conteúdo de baixa qualidade sem nenhum esforço extra, enquanto os provedores de conteúdo são recompensados ​​financeiramente com base na popularidade de seu conteúdo. Esse sistema motivará os artistas a fornecer envios de melhor qualidade, pois afetará diretamente seus ganhos. A indústria adulta sempre esteve na vanguarda da inovação e acreditamos que a integração do blockchain o tornará mais seguro, anônimo, justo e agradável para todos os participantes.

Qualquer pessoa pode fazer o upload do seu próprio conteúdo - e ser pago por isso! Nosso algoritmo exclusivo calculará a recompensa em moedas AS para cada peça de conteúdo com base em sua popularidade, incluindo avaliações de usuários, número de visualizações / cliques, duração dos tempos de exibição, etc. Os artistas também poderão receber dicas de usuários que gostaram conteúdo. Retirar os ganhos é tão livre de problemas quanto possível - o mínimo é equivalente a US $ 5, que pode ser sacado em qualquer dia do mês (sem esperar pelos dias de pagamento).

Nós moderaremos cada conteúdo antes de publicá-lo na plataforma para filtrar qualquer conteúdo ilegal / prejudicial. Optamos por fazer isso em casa, em vez da curadoria do usuário, porque na indústria adulta as repercussões da postagem do conteúdo prejudicial são mais graves para todas as partes envolvidas. Isto é tornar a plataforma um lugar mais seguro e agradável para todos, bem como cumprir com as
lei. Todo o conteúdo adequado será moderado e publicado em até 24 horas, e qualquer usuário que postar conteúdo ilegal será banido permanentemente, todos os ganhos anteriores serão congelados. Todos os usuários terão a oportunidade de denunciar conteúdo proibido (incluindo pornografia de vingança) e teremos a intenção de revisá-lo e excluí-lo, se necessário, em até 12 horas.

Troca de conteúdo
Todo mundo tem suas próprias preferências, especialmente quando se trata de sexo. Embora os criadores de conteúdo pornográfico procurem satisfazer os desejos sexuais menos convencionais, muitos consumidores lutam para encontrar exatamente o que desejam. O AmaStar criará uma nova plataforma que conectará os consumidores aos artistas que estão prontos para dar vida aos seus desejos mais íntimos. Digamos que Bob tropeçou nos vídeos de Alice no AmaStar e adora tudo o que enviou até agora, mas o verdadeiro desejo dele é vê-la com meias amarelas e um top vermelho. As chances de que isso aconteça aleatoriamente ou depois de comentar em seus vídeos são muito pequenas. Com a troca de conteúdo do AmaStar, ele pode gerar um pedido para que ela filme exatamente o que ele quer e defina o preço que ele está disposto a pagar por isso. Se Alice concordar, ele receberá o conteúdo em particular e os tokens AS serão transferidos da conta de Bob para a de Alice. Bob também pode fazer uma solicitação baseada em leilão que estará disponível para todos, e ele pode escolher recursos dos criadores de conteúdo que poderão fazer ofertas - incluindo cor de cabelo, tipo de corpo, tamanho do peito, etc. Da mesma forma, Alice pode gerar uma oferta para qualquer conteúdo específico que ela possa criar e definir o preço ou realizar um leilão, e se alguém estiver disposto a ser o único a recebê-lo, ele poderá comprá-lo por meio da troca.

Essa abordagem protegerá ambas as partes contra fraudes, pois os tokens são transferidos por meio de contratos inteligentes somente após as condições terem sido atendidas. Há uma grande quantidade de casos, especialmente na indústria de adultos, quando os clientes transferem o pagamento e não recebem nada em troca, ou recebem algo diferente do que eles pediram. Tanto os usuários quanto os criadores de conteúdo podem ter certeza de que seus fundos estão seguros e, em casos de conteúdo que não atende às expectativas, nossa equipe dedicada de moderadores analisará o problema. Como tudo é feito através da plataforma, ambas as partes permanecem anônimas umas às outras, e o preenchimento dos pagamentos em moedas AS elimina a necessidade de compartilhar detalhes pessoais ou de cartão de crédito.

Por que blockchain?

Devido à sua transparência e garantia de cumprimento integral das condições permitidas pelos contratos inteligentes, blockchain é uma solução inovadora para problemas em muitas indústrias, e a indústria de entretenimento adulto não é uma exceção. Uma das características mais impressionantes do blockchain é que os dados armazenados não são armazenados em um local centralizado e, como as informações estão dispersas em todo o mundo, elimina a necessidade de terceiros confiáveis ​​ao realizar as transações. O núcleo dessa inovação é construído em torno do conceito de um ledger distribuído de consenso, em que o ledger é mantido e mantido em uma rede distribuída de computadores. Esse ledger possibilita que toda a rede crie, desenvolva e acompanhe conjuntamente o histórico imutável de transações ou outros eventos sucessivos. Existem vários problemas com o atual sistema de produção e distribuição de conteúdo adulto que pode ser eliminado pelo uso de blockchain.

Os contratos blockchain e smart garantem que os criadores de conteúdo receberão exatamente o quanto eles merecem. Um contrato inteligente verificará independentemente a conclusão de todas as condições e distribuirá automaticamente os ativos. A imutabilidade e segurança do Blockchain contra alterações não autorizadas ou perda de dados permitirá que as partes interessadas monitorem todas as atividades em nosso sistema e tenham certeza da integridade das informações. A Blockchain fornece total transparência do modelo financeiro da empresa. Todos poderão ver quanto o AmaStar recebeu de anunciantes e usuários, quanto foi pago aos criadores de conteúdo e quanto foi mantido para o desenvolvimento da plataforma. Como blockchain é uma rede peer-to-peer pública, um registro distribuído entre todos os nós que registra continuamente todas as operações na forma de blocos de informações que são protegidos contra acesso não autorizado, ele agirá como uma fonte única de dados confiáveis. A Blockchain fornece anonimato para os criadores de conteúdo e clientes. Confidencialidade é uma preocupação primordial na indústria adulta devido à segurança pessoal
e possível estigma. A transferência de todos os fundos via blockchain garante que os nomes e os dados bancários não sejam divulgados, portanto, a privacidade de todos os usuários é protegida.

Como funciona
Uma nova carteira será gerada automaticamente para cada usuário no momento do registro. O esquema de criptografia de chave assimétrica será usado, onde qualquer um pode criptografar mensagens usando a chave pública, mas somente o detentor da chave privada emparelhada pode descriptografar. A chave pública será mantida no servidor na conta e a chave privada será emitida com segurança para o titular da conta sem ser mantida em nossos servidores. Os usuários terão a oportunidade de armazenar suas chaves privadas em nosso sistema para poder usar a troca integrada que lhes permitirá sacar suas moedas fiduciárias de fundos diretamente de sua conta AmaStar, mas sempre será responsabilidade deles. Todo o conteúdo adicionado junto com todos os pontos e moedas ganhos serão mostrados na conta pessoal. Todos os fundos recebidos transferidos para o AmaStar de anunciantes e usuários irão primeiro para a carteira "agregadora", que essencialmente atua como um ponto de trânsito para os ativos. Todos os dias às 12:00 UTC, um contrato inteligente calculará todos os fundos disponíveis para o período de 24 horas e distribuirá a quantia necessária de moedas para cada titular de conta, dependendo da quantidade de pontos ganhos. 90% de toda a receita estará disponível para a distribuição, enquanto 10% serão transferidos para a carteira interna do AmaStar para sustentar e melhorar a plataforma. Para maior transparência, o montante de fundos recebidos pelo agregador será automaticamente exibido no site do AmaStar via API. Durante o estágio do MVP, a carteira agregadora automaticamente trocará parte dos tokens para a Ethereum para cobrir as taxas de transação.

Para tornar a utilização da nossa plataforma uma experiência ainda mais agradável, apresentaremos contas premium com recursos adicionais. Titulares de contas Premium: Todos os participantes pré-OIC e OIC receberão um período de avaliação premium gratuito, cuja duração depende do valor da contribuição: Também teremos dois tipos de associação para os participantes da OIC com bônus adicionais. Quem contribuir com mais de US $ 20000 receberá uma associação VIP e receberá convites para nossos eventos anuais no estilo da Playboy. Qualquer pessoa contribuindo com mais de US $ 50000 se tornará um membro Platinum e receberá convites para as festas de iate particulares. Ambos os tipos de associação também terão benefícios e benefícios extras ao usar a plataforma.
• será capaz de usar a plataforma sem publicidade
• terão seu feed ainda mais personalizado com o aprendizado de máquina avançado
• terá a oportunidade de enviar mensagens privadas para outros membros e criadores de conteúdo
• terá acesso a todos os chats ao vivo pagos
• poderá solicitar bate-papos ao vivo pessoais em que ninguém mais possa entrar
• e mais

Modelo econômico
A cada dia, os fundos recebidos de anunciantes e usuários serão redistribuídos entre todos os criadores de conteúdo que fizeram o upload de algo durante esse dia. A AmaStar manterá 10% desses fundos para operações e promoção adicional da plataforma.

Todos os dias, uma quantidade total de moedas que a plataforma recebe para anúncios será dividida pelo número total de pontos coletados pelos criadores de conteúdo, determinando o preço de cada ponto para esse dia. Depois, às 00:00, as moedas UTC serão transferidas para os respectivos participantes através de um contrato inteligente e todos os pontos serão anulados. Portanto, a fórmula de distribuição de moedas será a seguinte:
A = quantidade total de moedas recebidas dos anunciantes
B = quantidade total de pontos coletados por todos os criadores de conteúdo
C = quantidade total de pontos coletados por um determinado criador de conteúdo
D = quantidade total de moedas que um determinado criador de conteúdo receberá

Por exemplo, em um dia, o AmaStar exibiu anúncios de 1000 moedas AS (
UMA). Neste dia, todos os criadores de conteúdo em toda a plataforma ganharam um total de 5000 pontos (
B). Isso faz com que o preço por ponto 0,2 AS
(A ÷ B). Um criador de conteúdo em particular ganhou 200 pontos por carregar uma foto (C) e receberá automaticamente 40 moedas AS neste dia (D).

Este modelo irá criar uma demanda contínua por moedas AS. À medida que a plataforma cresce em termos de número de visitantes e qualidade de conteúdo, o preço da propaganda aumentará e os criadores de conteúdo ganharão mais, resultando em um déficit de moedas.


Obrigado por ler meus blogs / artigos

AUTOR: rizalkurniawan58

ETH: 0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A



AmaStar adalah platform berbasis blockchain di mana siapa pun dapat mengunggah konten mereka sendiri - dan dapatkan bayaran untuk itu! Algoritme unik kami akan menghitung hadiah untuk setiap konten berdasarkan popularitasnya. Transparansi lengkap dicapai dengan blockchain - 90% dari pendapatan iklan dibayarkan kepada pembuat konten.

AmaStar akan mengubah monetisasi industri hiburan dewasa dan menciptakan ekosistem yang rumit yang memberi penghargaan kepada semua peserta. AmaStar adalah platform yang didukung oleh blockchain yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah saat ini di industri dewasa dan memberi individu kesempatan untuk melihat konten amatir yang unik dan dibayar untuk mengunggah video rumahan mereka, serta memberikan peluang kepada pengiklan untuk mencapai target yang sangat bertarget audiens melalui kampanye yang murah dan transparan. Dalam makalah ini, kami menguraikan rincian visi ini dan bagaimana kami berencana untuk merealisasikannya menggunakan ideologi blockchain desentralisasi.


Karena transparansi dan jaminan pemenuhan lengkap dari kondisi yang dimungkinkan oleh kontrak pintar, blockchain adalah solusi terobosan untuk industri hiburan dewasa. Menerapkan blockchain akan menjamin bahwa pembuat konten menerima dengan tepat berapa yang pantas mereka dapatkan dan memberikan transparansi lengkap dari model keuangan perusahaan.

Kami akan mengembangkan platform blockchain kami sendiri tanpa komisi dan volume transaksi yang tinggi, memungkinkan distribusi koin yang efisien. Kontrak pintar akan menghilangkan kesalahan manusia dan menjadikan penggunaan platform aman dan menyenangkan bagi semua orang.


Reputasi Anda aman dengan AmaStar melakukan semua pembayaran dalam cryptocurrency memastikan privasi lengkap karena tidak ada nama, detail pembayaran atau tagihan kartu kredit.

Proses pembayaran

Tidak ada lagi dana yang disita, akun yang dibekukan, atau biaya 'berisiko tinggi'. AmaStar menjadikan perantara dan perantara sudah usang - artinya pembayaran Anda akan lebih aman, lebih cepat, dan lebih murah.

Hadiah yang adil

Transparansi penuh dalam pembayaran yang dicapai oleh blockchain. Hadiah dihitung dengan kontrak pintar, menghilangkan kesalahan manusia. Dengan AmaStar Anda akan selalu mendapatkan bagian yang adil.

Keterlibatan Penggemar

Dengan AmaStar Anda memilih apa yang ingin Anda lihat - pembuat konten menerima hadiah lebih tinggi untuk konten yang lebih baik, memotivasi mereka untuk memberikan apa yang diinginkan pengguna.


Kami akan mengembangkan platform blockchain kami sendiri tanpa komisi dan volume transaksi yang tinggi, memungkinkan distribusi koin yang efisien. Kontrak pintar akan menghilangkan kesalahan manusia dan menjadikan penggunaan platform aman dan menyenangkan bagi semua orang.

Didukung oleh Blockchain
Berorientasi Pengguna
Sepenuhnya Transparan
Anonim total
Aman & Andal
Diotomatisasi sepenuhnya


Kami berusaha keras untuk membuat model keuangan kami sesederhana dan setransparan mungkin. 90% dari semua pendapatan iklan dan pembelian pribadi didistribusikan antara pembuat konten setiap hari melalui kontrak pintar. 10% akan ditransfer ke dompet AmaStar dan akan digunakan untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan platform.



Jelajahi umpan amateurnudes berdasarkan preferensi Anda
Urutkan berdasarkan berbagai filter untuk menemukan apa yang ingin Anda lihat
Unggah foto Anda sendiri dan dapatkan bayaran saat orang menyukainya


Tonton video amatir unik tanpa batas dari kategori apa pun, gratis
Temukan apa yang Anda inginkan dengan menerapkan sebanyak mungkin filter yang Anda suka
Bagikan video rumah Anda sendiri dan terima token ketika orang lain menontonnya

Obrolan Langsung

Temukan wanita nakal dan tonton mereka secara langsung
Mintalah pertunjukan langsung pribadi hanya untuk Anda
Biarkan orang lain melihat Anda hidup dan dibayar untuk setiap tampilan


Baca kisah seks erotis dan pengakuan rahasia
Mintalah cerita khusus hanya untuk Anda dari penulis favorit Anda
Bagikan fantasi Anda dan dapatkan bayaran saat orang lain membacanya


Mainkan game flash pornografi gratis tanpa batasan
Unggah game Anda sendiri dan dapatkan penghasilan saat orang lain bermain


Soft Cap: $ 500K
Hard Cap: $ 5.5mln
Pasokan Token: 110mln
Harga Token: $ 0,10
Simbol: AS


60% Pra-ICO dan ICO
15% Penasihat, Pendiri & Tim
10% Dana Hadiah Pengguna
10% Operasi
5% Bounty & Airdrop


35% Operasi
35% Pengembangan Platform
25% Pemasaran
5% Legal & Administrasi


Q1 2018
Ide lahir, analisis pasar
Q2 2018
Pengembangan konsep, pembentukan tim
Q3 2018
Pra-penjualan pribadi
November 2018
Rilis MVP
Nov-Des 2018
Feb 2019
Video ditambahkan ke platform
Mar 2019
Pertunjukan langsung ditambahkan ke platform
Mei 2019
Pelepasan platform blockchain sendiri
Jun 2019
Rilis aplikasi seluler
Jul 2019
Game ditambahkan ke platform



Tentang AmaStar ICO



AmaStar adalah platform berbasis blockchain di mana siapa pun dapat mengunggah konten mereka sendiri - dan dapatkan bayaran untuk itu! Algoritme unik kami akan menghitung hadiah untuk setiap konten berdasarkan popularitasnya. Transparansi lengkap dicapai dengan blockchain - 90% dari pendapatan iklan dibayarkan kepada pembuat konten.

AmaStar akan mengubah monetisasi industri hiburan dewasa dan menciptakan ekosistem yang rumit yang memberi penghargaan kepada semua peserta. AmaStar adalah platform yang didukung oleh blockchain yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah saat ini di industri dewasa dan memberi individu kesempatan untuk melihat konten amatir yang unik dan dibayar untuk mengunggah video rumahan mereka, serta memberikan peluang kepada pengiklan untuk mencapai target yang sangat bertarget audiens melalui kampanye yang murah dan transparan. Dalam makalah ini, kami menguraikan rincian visi ini dan bagaimana kami berencana untuk merealisasikannya menggunakan ideologi blockchain desentralisasi.


Karena transparansi dan jaminan pemenuhan lengkap dari kondisi yang dimungkinkan oleh kontrak pintar, blockchain adalah solusi terobosan untuk industri hiburan dewasa. Menerapkan blockchain akan menjamin bahwa pembuat konten menerima dengan tepat berapa yang pantas mereka dapatkan dan memberikan transparansi lengkap dari model keuangan perusahaan.

Kami akan mengembangkan platform blockchain kami sendiri tanpa komisi dan volume transaksi yang tinggi, memungkinkan distribusi koin yang efisien. Kontrak pintar akan menghilangkan kesalahan manusia dan menjadikan penggunaan platform aman dan menyenangkan bagi semua orang.


Reputasi Anda aman dengan AmaStar melakukan semua pembayaran dalam cryptocurrency memastikan privasi lengkap karena tidak ada nama, detail pembayaran atau tagihan kartu kredit.

Proses pembayaran

Tidak ada lagi dana yang disita, akun yang dibekukan, atau biaya 'berisiko tinggi'. AmaStar menjadikan perantara dan perantara sudah usang - artinya pembayaran Anda akan lebih aman, lebih cepat, dan lebih murah.

Hadiah yang adil

Transparansi penuh dalam pembayaran yang dicapai oleh blockchain. Hadiah dihitung dengan kontrak pintar, menghilangkan kesalahan manusia. Dengan AmaStar Anda akan selalu mendapatkan bagian yang adil.

Keterlibatan Penggemar

Dengan AmaStar Anda memilih apa yang ingin Anda lihat - pembuat konten menerima hadiah lebih tinggi untuk konten yang lebih baik, memotivasi mereka untuk memberikan apa yang diinginkan pengguna.


Kami akan mengembangkan platform blockchain kami sendiri tanpa komisi dan volume transaksi yang tinggi, memungkinkan distribusi koin yang efisien. Kontrak pintar akan menghilangkan kesalahan manusia dan menjadikan penggunaan platform aman dan menyenangkan bagi semua orang.

Didukung oleh Blockchain

Berorientasi Pengguna

Sepenuhnya Transparan

Anonim total

Aman & Andal

Diotomatisasi sepenuhnya


Kami berusaha keras untuk membuat model keuangan kami sesederhana dan setransparan mungkin. 90% dari semua pendapatan iklan dan pembelian pribadi didistribusikan antara pembuat konten setiap hari melalui kontrak pintar. 10% akan ditransfer ke dompet AmaStar dan akan digunakan untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan platform.



Jelajahi umpan amateurnudes berdasarkan preferensi Anda

Urutkan berdasarkan berbagai filter untuk menemukan apa yang ingin Anda lihat

Unggah foto Anda sendiri dan dapatkan bayaran saat orang menyukainya


Tonton video amatir unik tanpa batas dari kategori apa pun, gratis

Temukan apa yang Anda inginkan dengan menerapkan sebanyak mungkin filter yang Anda suka

Bagikan video rumah Anda sendiri dan terima token ketika orang lain menontonnya

Obrolan Langsung

Temukan wanita nakal dan tonton mereka secara langsung

Mintalah pertunjukan langsung pribadi hanya untuk Anda

Biarkan orang lain melihat Anda hidup dan dibayar untuk setiap tampilan


Baca kisah seks erotis dan pengakuan rahasia

Mintalah cerita khusus hanya untuk Anda dari penulis favorit Anda

Bagikan fantasi Anda dan dapatkan bayaran saat orang lain membacanya


Mainkan game flash pornografi gratis tanpa batasan

Unggah game Anda sendiri dan dapatkan penghasilan saat orang lain bermain


Token: AS
Platform: Ethereum
Standar: ERC20
Kuantitas: 110.000.000 AS
Harga: 1 AS = 0,1000 USD
Pembayaran: ETH
Soft cap: 500.000 USD
Hard cap: 5.500.000 USD
KYC: Tidak


Mulai: 15.11.2018
Penyelesaian: 31.12.2018


Mulai: 15.01.2019
Penyelesaian: 01.03.2019


60% Pra-ICO dan ICO
15% Penasihat, Pendiri & Tim
10% Dana Hadiah Pengguna
10% Operasi
5% Bounty & Airdrop


35% Operasi
35% Pengembangan Platform
25% Pemasaran
5% Legal & Administrasi


Q1 2018: Ide lahir, analisis pasar
Q2 2018: Pengembangan konsep, pembentukan tim
Q3 2018: Pra-penjualan pribadi
Nov 2018: Rilis MVP
Nov-Des 2018: Pra-ICO
Feb 2019: Video ditambahkan ke platform
Mar 2019: Pertunjukan langsung ditambahkan ke platform
Mei 2019: Rilis platform blockchain sendiri
Jun 2019: Rilis aplikasi seluler
Jul 2019: Game ditambahkan ke platform


Valeria Hastings: CEO
Roman Wolf: CMO
Mikhail Novikov: CTO
Tim Siner: Kepala Kemitraan
Sangho Grolleman: Direktur Analytics
Dmitry Marchenkov: manajer IR


George Khattar: Penasihat
Kyriacos Matsangos: Penasihat
Puma Swede: Brand Ambassador






AmaStar will change the monetization of the adult entertainment industry and create a complex ecosystem that rewards all participants. AmaStar is a platform that is supported by a blockchain that aims to address current problems in the adult industry and provides an opportunity for individuals to see unique amateur content and get paid for uploading their home videos, as well as providing opportunities for advertisers to reach very high targets. viewers through cheap and transparent campaigns. In this paper, we describe the details of this vision and how we plan to realize it using a decentralized blocking ideology.


AmaStar aims to create an adult entertainment platform that will outperform all projects currently in the industry. The main idea is to develop ecosystems that are beneficial to end users and content creators, while rendering intermediaries and intermediaries who take the largest share of the money becomes obsolete. Imagine a direct network where customers choose what they want to see and play an important role in filtering poor quality content without extra effort, while content providers are financially rewarded based on the popularity of their content. This system will motivate players to provide better quality uploads, because it will directly affect their income. Adult industry has always been at the forefront of innovation, and we believe integrating the blockchain will make it safer, anonymous, fair and enjoyable for all participants.

Anyone can upload their own content - and get paid for it! Our unique algorithm will calculate rewards in US coins for each piece of content based on their popularity, including user ratings, number of views / clicks, duration of viewing, etc. Players will also be able to receive tips from users who really enjoy the content. Withdrawal of income is free of hussle because getting - the minimum is equivalent to $ 5, which can be disbursed every day of the month (no longer waiting for the day of payment).

We will moderate each content before publishing it on a platform to filter illegal / dangerous content. We have chosen to do this at home as opposed to user curation because in the adult industry the impact of posting harmful content is more severe for all parties involved. This is to create a platform that is safer and more enjoyable for everyone, and obeys
law. All appropriate content will be moderated and published within 24 hours, and any user who posts illegal content will be permanently banned, will all previous earnings be frozen. Each user will have the opportunity to report prohibited content (including porn revenge), and we will aim to review and delete it if necessary within 12 hours.

Content exchange:

Everyone has their own preferences, especially in terms of sex. While the makers of pornographic content aim to fulfill the most unconventional sexual desires, many consumers struggle to find what they want. AmaStar will create a new platform that will connect consumers with players who are ready to bring their most intimate desires to life. Let's say Bob has found videos of Alice at AmaStar and he likes everything he uploaded so far, but his real desire is to watch it in yellow stockings and red tops. The possibility occurs randomly or after commenting below the video is very thin. By exchanging AmaStar content, he can generate a request so he records what he wants and sets the price he is willing to pay for it. If Alice agrees, she will receive the content privately and the US token will be transferred from Budi's account to Alice's account. Bob can also make auction-based requests that will be available to everyone, and he can choose the features of creators who will be able to make offers - including hair color, body type, breast size, etc. Similarly, Alice can generate bids for any specific content that can be made and set prices or hold an auction, and if anyone is willing to be the only person who accepts it, they can buy it through the stock.

This approach will protect both parties from fraud, because tokens are transferred through smart contracts only after the conditions are met. There are a large number of examples, especially in the adult industry, when customers transfer payments and receive nothing in return, or receive something different from what they ask for. Both users and creators can ensure their funds are safe, and in the case of content not meeting expectations, our dedicated moderator team will review the issue. Because everything is done through a platform, both parties remain anonymous with each other, and completing payments in US coins eliminates the need to share personal card details or credit cards.

Why blockchain?

Because of the transparency and guarantee of fulfilling the perfect conditions made possible by smart contracts, the blockchain is a breakthrough solution to problems in many industries, and the adult entertainment industry is no exception. One of the most impressive blockchain features is that stored data is not stored in a centralized location and because information is spread throughout the world, this eliminates the need for trusted third parties when transacting. The essence of this innovation is built around the concept of a distributed consensus ledger, in which ledgers are stored and maintained on distributed computer networks. This ledger allows the entire network to jointly create, develop, and track the history of irreversible transactions or other sequential events. There are some problems with the system currently making and distributing adult content that can be removed using the blockchain.

Blockchain and smart contracts will guarantee that content creators will receive exactly how much they deserve. Smart contracts will independently verify the completion of all conditions and distribute assets automatically. Blockchain's reluctance and security from unauthorized changes or data loss will allow interested parties to monitor all activities in our system and ensure the integrity of information Blockchain provides complete transparency of the company's financial model. Everyone will be able to see how much AmaStar has received from advertisers and users, how much was paid to the creators and how much was saved for platform development. Because the blockchain is a public peer-to-peer network, the registry is distributed among all nodes that continuously record all operations in the form of blocks of information protected from unauthorized access, eventually acting as a single source of reliable data. The Blockchain provides anonymity for content creators and customers. Secrecy is a major concern in the adult industry because of personal security
and possibly stigma. Transfer all funds through the blockchain to ensure that bank names and details are not disclosed, so that the privacy of all users is protected.

How it works:

A new wallet will be created automatically for each user after registration. An asymmetric key encryption scheme will be used, where anyone can encrypt messages using a public key, but only the paired private key holder can decrypt. Public keys will be stored on the server in the account and the private key will be securely issued to the account holder without being stored on our server. Users will have the opportunity to save their private key in our system to be able to use integrated exchanges which will allow them to withdraw their fiat currency funds directly from their AmaStar account, but that will always be up to them. All content added together with all points and coins obtained will be displayed on a personal account. All incoming funds are transferred to AmaStar from advertisers and users will first go to the 'aggregator' wallet, which basically functions as a transit point for assets. Every day at 12:00 the smart contract UTC will calculate all available funds for a 24-hour period and distribute the amount of coins needed to each account holder depending on the number of points received. 90% of all income will be available for distribution, while 10% will be transferred to AmaStar's internal wallet to maintain and improve the platform. For greater transparency, the amount of funds received by the aggregator will be automatically displayed on the AmaStar website via the API. During the MVP stage, the wallet aggregator will automatically exchange parts of the token to Ethereum to cover transaction costs.

In order to use our platform as a more enjoyable experience, we will introduce premium accounts with additional features. Premium account holders: All pre-ICO and ICO participants will receive a free premium trial period, whose length depends on the number of contributions: We will also have two types of membership for ICO participants with an added bonus. Anyone who contributes more than $ 20,000 will receive a VIP membership and get an invitation to our annual Playboy style event. Anyone who contributes more than $ 50000 will become a Platinum member and receive an invitation to our private yacht. Both types of membership will also have additional benefits and benefits when using the platform.

• will be able to use the platform without advertising
• will have their bait more personal with advanced machine learning
• will have the opportunity to send private messages to other members and content creators
• will have access to all paid live chats
• will be able to request private direct chat that no one can enter
• and much more

Economic model:

Every day funds received from advertisers and users will be redistributed between all content creators who uploaded something during the day. AmaStar will save 10% of the funds for further platform operations and promotions.

Every day the total number of coins received by the platform will be accepted for the advertisement divided by the total number of points collected by the creator, determining the price of each point for today. Then at 00:00 UTC coins will be transferred to each participant through a smart contract, and all points will be canceled. Therefore, the coin distribution formula is as follows:
A = the total amount of coins received from advertisers
B = the total number of points collected by all content creators
C = the total number of points collected by certain content creators
D = the total number of coins that will be received by certain content creators

For example, in one day, AmaStar has displayed advertisements for 1000 US coins (
A). Today all creators on all platforms have a total of 5000 points (
B). This makes the price per point 0.2 US
(A ÷ B). One particular content creator gets 200 points for uploading photos (C), and will automatically receive 40 US coins for today (D).

This model will create continuous demand for US coins. When the platform grows in terms of visitor numbers and content quality, advertising prices will increase and content creators will get more, resulting in a coin deficit.



ETH:0x7F983c8659F5Ed19011F5Be67dCd8F9644b2097A Community Driven. Future Focused. Built To Win.

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